Ennio Girolami
Ennio Girolami
Top Movie Cast
Jonathan of the Bearstrue- Goodwin's Mercenary Sinbad of the Seven Seastrue- Viking Day of the Cobratrue- Martino Rome, the Other Face of Violencetrue- Police Commissioner Ferreri Le motorizzatetrue- Activist of Communist Party (segment "Carmelitane Sprint") Between God, The Devil and a Winchestertrue- Marco Serraldo Reverend's Colttrue- Mestizo (as Thomas Moore) Killer Crocodiletrue- Joe Light Blasttrue- Dr. Yuri Soboda Don Franco and Don Ciccio in a Year of Protesttrue- Tenente dei Carabinieri Giggi il bullotrue- Discotheque manager Bullet in the Fleshtrue- Sam Masters Quanto sei bella Romatrue- Gino Payment in Bloodtrue- Chamaco Gonzales Two R-R-Ringos from Texastrue- Bruce Killer Crocodile 2true- Joe The Seducertrue- Guitar singer Sette canzoni per sette sorelletrue- Luigi Siamo tutti pomicionitrue- Ennio (segment "Colonnello e signora") (as Enio Girolami) Twist, lolite e vitellonitrue- Vittorio Emmanuele (as Enio Girolami) Caccia al maritotrue- Claudio Massa Ho ritrovato mio figliotrue- Marco There Is a Path in the Skytrue- Emilio Tuareg: Desert Warriortrue Ferragosto in Bikinitrue- Dario Un figlio d'oggitrue- Renzo (as Enio Girolami) Bellezze sulla spiaggiatrue- Franco Gigliozzi Brothers of Italytrue- Sergio Sexy Sinnerstrue- Rinaldo A Few Dollars for Djangotrue- Sam Lister Love on the Rivieratrue- Walter Nights of the Teddy Boystrue- Nino Quando gli angeli piangonotrue- Ennio Die Easy in Ghentartrue- Kim The Apartmenttrue- Alvaro Holiday Islandtrue- Furio The Two Magnificent Fresconitrue- Berti - Police Commissioner The Last Sharktrue- Matt Rosen Nights of Cabiriatrue- Amleto, 'il magnaccia' The Feast of Satantrue- Dr. Carlos Ferrer (as Thomas Moore) Gli italiani e le donnetrue- Nando Black Eagle of Santa Fetrue- Slim James The Hellbenderstrue- Lieutenant Soublette Ore 10: lezione di cantotrue- Ennio What the Chambermaid Sawtrue Spavaldi e innamoratitrue- Romano The Fury of Achillestrue- Patroclus Veneri in collegiotrue- Rino Fossati Le tardonetrue- Giancarlo (episode "La svitata") Queste pazze, pazze donnetrue- Nando ('Il gentil sesso') Li chiamarono... briganti!true Maximum Velocity (V-Max)true- Stefano's father Young Husbandstrue- Franco Quel tesoro di papàtrue- Franco The Boardertrue- Riccardo I ragazzi dei Pariolitrue- Fabrizio I'll See You on the Balconytrue- Uno spettatore intransigente Spiaggia liberatrue- Ciccio The New Barbarianstrue- Shadow 1990: The Bronx Warriorstrue- Samuel Fisher Veneri al soletrue- Mario Giorgetti (segment "Intrigo al mare") Escape from the Bronxtrue- President Henry Clark Tenebretrue- Department Store Manager (as Enio Girolami) Loves of Three Queenstrue- Undetermined Role (uncredited) Il principe fustotrue- Amico di Ettore The Shortest Daytrue- Soldato (uncredited) Il cantante misteriosotrue- Paolo One Dollar Too Manytrue- Stagecoach guard (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Noi due solitrueDirecting
Franco, Ciccio and the Cheerful WidowstrueProduction
I Sing for YoutrueDirecting
Riscatto - Tu sei il mio giudicetrueDirecting
Milano miliardariatrueCrew