Nikolai Kryukov
Nikolai Kryukov
Top Movie Cast
Eleven Hopestrue- тренер «Ракеты» Константин Лапшин Wait For Me, Islands!true Andromeda Nebulatrue- Erg Noor One Chance in One Thousandtrue- Dvigubskiy The Executionertrue- Olga's grandpa Treasure Islandtrue- Том Морган Young Russiatrue- Ярл Юленшерна Smart Thingstrue- старик (хозяин «умных вещей») Two Years above the Abysstrue Memory Formulatrue- старик He Will Receivetrue- Mr. Forest In That Distant Summertrue- Рудольф Strong with Spirittrue- german intelligence general Forgive Us Mother Russiatrue- Ivan Ivanovich Rozhnov Honore de Balzac's mistaketrue- Victor Hugo Fortress on Wheelstrue- Вальтер фон Лютвиц The Aquanautstrue- Commander Allow Take-Off!true- Plane Passenger The Bronze Birdtrue- Cuban communist If You Want To Be Happytrue- member of the Soviet delegation on the helicopter tests The Left-Handertrue- одноглазый аглицкий адмирал A Trip Without a Loadtrue- Volkov (uncredited) And There Was Evening, And There Was Morningtrue They Were Nineteen Years Oldtrue- Semyon Trofimovich Lepko The Path of the Golden Beaststrue- Stepan Provorov Stronger Than a Hurricanetrue- Belous Three days after the immortalitytrue Clean Pondstrue- Lev Matveyevich Rzhanov Несрочная веснаtrue- Лукьян Etudes on Vrubeltrue- Mikhail's Father The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Mortal Fighttrue- Colonel Sebastian Moran The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Hunting the Tigertrue- Colonel Sebastian Moran Anna Pavlovatrue- Oscar II of Sweden A Long Path on a Short Daytrue- novosibirsk scientist Улица Ньютона, дом 1true- Rastegayev, fishing kolkhoz chairman Southern Cross is Above Ustrue- Nikolay Petrovich Деревья на асфальтеtrue- Никита Семенович King of the Mountains and Otherstrue Крушение империиtrue- general Khabalov Petrovka Street, Number 38true- Аверьян Прохорович - «Прохор» Hiding at the Bottom of the Seatrue- полковник погранвойск Profile Images
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