Bernard Archard
Bernard Archard
Top Movie Cast
The Horror of Frankensteintrue- Prof. Heiss Dad's Armytrue- Maj. Gen. Fullard The Day of the Jackaltrue- Detective Hughes Corridors of Bloodtrue- Hospital Official Village of the Damnedtrue- Vicar The List of Adrian Messengertrue- Pike Philby, Burgess and Macleantrue- Graves Hidden Agendatrue- Sir Robert Neil The Hiding Placetrue- Lt. Rahms The Mini-Affairtrue- Sir Basil Grinling The File of the Golden Goosetrue- Collins The Sea Wolvestrue- Underhill Atatürk - Father of the Turkstrue- Atatürk(voice) The Spy with a Cold Nosetrue- Russian Intelligence Chief Song of Norwaytrue- George Nordraak The Silent Playgroundtrue- Insp. Duffy Clash of Loyaltiestrue- Sir Percy Cox King Solomon's Minestrue- Prof. Huston Clue of the New Pintrue- Superintendent Carver Man Detainedtrue- Det. Inspector Verity Run a Crooked Miletrue- Business Spokesman God's Outlawtrue- Sir Thomas More A Tale of Two Citiestrue- Tribunal President Two Letter Alibitrue- Duke Tower of London: The Innocenttrue- Earl of Oxford The Password Is Couragetrue- 1st Prisoner of War The Suicide Clubtrue- The President Doctor Who: The Power of the Dalekstrue- Head of Security Bragen The Shadow-Linetrue- Capt. Elis Leeds United!true- Managing Director, Blacks Doctor Who: Pyramids of Marstrue- Marcus Scarman 'Tis Pity She's a Whoretrue- Donado Fragment of Feartrue- Priest The Secret Mantrue- Inspector Separate Tablestrue- Mr. Fowler Inside the Third Reichtrue- Dr. Hans Flachsner Play Dirtytrue- Col. Homerton The Doctors: Villains!true