Madge Kirby
Madge Kirby
Top Movie Cast
The Hungarian Nabobtrue- Undetermined Role The Musketeers of Pig Alleytrue- The Little Lady's Friend / In Alley The New York Hattrue- Shopkeeper / At Mother's Deathbed Hereditytrue- The Indian Mother Dunces and Dangerstrue- Larry's Wife The Painted Ladytrue- The Younger Sister The Janitortrue- Cuckoo Carrie Bertha, the Buttonhole-Makertrue- Bertha Bathing Beauties and Big Boobstrue- The Girl The One She Lovedtrue- The Nurse My Babytrue- The Wife's Friend The Telephone Girl and the Ladytrue- The Telephone Operator The Flash of Fatetrue- Gertrude Shorb Bears and Bad Mentrue- The Slawson Daughter A Harem Herotrue- Chief Harem Lovely