Robert Mak Tak-Law
Robert Mak Tak-Law
Top Movie Cast
Shaolin Templetrue- Shaolin Student (uncredited) Kid with the Golden Armtrue- Deadly Valley's Thug Ten Tigers of Kwangtungtrue- General's Arm Bearer / Coolie (uncredited) Let's Rage the Ganglandtrue The World of Desiretrue- Little Mak The Invincibletrue- Lam Sheung Wah / Lin Shang-Hua The Deadly Breaking Swordtrue- Prison Guard (uncredited) Changing My Lovely Partnertrue Dance with the Killertrue The Holy Virgin Versus the Evil Deadtrue- Chow Yuan-Fat The Lady Is the Bosstrue- Wong Yuen Shuei Opium and the Kung Fu Mastertrue- Lu Gua Si Rose Lily Morning Glorytrue My Young Auntietrue- Robert Feud Within the Truthtrue Rolls, Rolls, I Love Youtrue- Ah Dan Winner Takes Alltrue- Li Cha Bo Disco Bumpkinstrue- Hamburger The Siamese Twinstrue- Michael Cho Tiger on the Beat 2true- Siu Meng Martial Clubtrue- Wang Yinlin Men Behind the Sun 3: A Narrow Escapetrue- Ilo Shinshima The First Vampire in Chinatrue- Ah Mao Return of the Demontrue- Mak The 82 Tenantstrue- Ah Shi Snake Monstertrue- King of Snakes The 8 Diagram Pole Fightertrue- Yang 3rd Brother Crippled Avengerstrue- Du's Thug The Way Of The Lady Boxerstrue- Wai Nan Power Connectiontrue- Assassin