Paul Wong Kwan
Paul Wong Kwan
Top Movie Cast
Police Storytrue- Policeman The Magnificent Ruffianstrue- Meng Long Mistaken Identitytrue- Thug In the Line of Duty 4true- Killer at Hospital Bullet for Hiretrue- Mr. Dick's Thug Once Upon a Time in China Vtrue- Pirate The Kung Fu Instructortrue Carry on Pickpockettrue- Wang Kun Monkey Kung Futrue- Prison guard The Criminal Huntertrue- Er Pao Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Starstrue- Boss Lau's Man at Warehouse The Way Of The Lady Boxerstrue- Big Maddy The Young Mastertrue- Wai Yee School's Owner (uncredited) Dragon Lordtrue- Player / (extra) Project Atrue- Policeman / Man with Ladder in Alley (uncredited) Tiger Cagetrue- Gets Kicked in Drug Bust Fatal Terminationtrue- Mr Ko's man Underground Judgementtrue- Fatty The Fighting Fooltrue- Master Wei's assassin friend The Best Hustler Winstrue- Lun's friend #1 God of Gamblerstrue- Thug on Train Winners & Sinnerstrue- Chan Chiu's Thug The Rebel Intruderstrue- Iron Fist Militia Rich and Famoustrue- Chai's Gangster Top Movie Crew
Dances with DragontrueDirecting
In the Line of Duty 4trueCrew
Forbidden ArsenaltrueCrew
Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky StarstrueCrew
God of GamblerstrueDirecting
Mr. SunshinetrueDirecting
Fatal TerminationtrueDirecting