Chick Hannan
Chick Hannan
Top Movie Cast
The Far Countrytrue- Townsman (uncredited) 7 Men from Nowtrue- Townsman Stars Over Arizonatrue- Yucca Bill Thompson Toughest Man in Arizonatrue Sing Cowboy Singtrue- Henchman Joe The Brass Legendtrue- Townsman (uncredited) Mohawktrue- Settler (uncredited) Pony Expresstrue- Townsman (uncredited) Apache Uprisingtrue- Townsman (uncredited) Raton Passtrue- Cowhand (uncredited) In Old Amarillotrue- Bartender (uncredited) Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Territorytrue- Townsman (uncredited) Gun Runnertrue- Henchman (uncredited) Frontier Towntrue- Henchman The Mexicali Kidtrue- Townsman Westbound Stagetrue- Henchman Clip The Lone Ranger Rides Againtrue- Cave Heavy Songs and Bulletstrue- Posse Rider Oklahoma Terrortrue- Vigilante Border Cafetrue- Ranch Hand (uncredited) The Oregon Trailtrue- Henchman Trigger Fingerstrue- Posse Rider Rough Riders' Round-uptrue- Barfly Riders of the Sagetrue- Powers Rider Riders of the Frontiertrue- Murdered Deputy Death Rides the Rangetrue- Mike The Fighting Renegadetrue- Henchman The Cheyenne Kidtrue- Deputy Rollin' Westwardtrue- Henchman Ride Out for Revengetrue- Townsman (uncredited) Gun Duel In Durangotrue- Townsman (uncredited) Roll Wagons Rolltrue- Pioneer Rider Crossed Trailstrue- Townsman (uncredited) Six-Gun Serenadetrue- Stage Driver (uncredited) Winchester '73true- Spectator (uncredited) Shanetrue- Ryker Man (uncredited) Under Texas Skiestrue- Henchman The Cowboy from Sundowntrue- Henchman Pete Take Me Back to Oklahomatrue- Henchman The Ranger and the Ladytrue- Henchman Young Bill Hickoktrue- Posse Rider The Border Legiontrue- Henchman Wrangler's Roosttrue- Townsman Billy the Kid in Texastrue- Henchman A Big Hand for the Little Ladytrue- Casino Patron (uncredited) The Lone Rider in Ghost Towntrue- Barfly Virginia Citytrue- Barfly (uncredited) Adventures of Red Rydertrue- Water Hole Poisoner Lightning Strikes Westtrue- Posse Rider Pals of the Silver Sagetrue- Henchman King of the Texas Rangerstrue- Shootout Thug Bordertown Trailtrue- Henchman Beyond the Sacramentotrue- Poker Player Melody Ranchtrue- Wildhack Cohort Around the World in Eighty Daystrue- Extra (uncredited) California Passagetrue- Townsman (uncredited) Ridin' the Cherokee Trailtrue- Henchman Blackie Arizona Frontiertrue- Henchman Rhythm of the Rio Grandetrue- Henchman Pete Under Fiesta Starstrue- Henchman Deep in the Heart of Texastrue- Townsman Starlight Over Texastrue- Chandler Sundown on the Prairietrue- Barfly Robin Hood of the Pecostrue- Henchman (uncredited) Sheriff of Tombstonetrue- Barfly Man from Cheyennetrue- Henchman South of Santa Fetrue- Cowhand Romance on the Rangetrue- Henchman Heart of the Golden Westtrue- Townsman In Old Californiatrue- Henchman Overland Mailtrue- Posseman at Cave Riders of Death Valleytrue- Miner The Gunman From Bodietrue- Townsman Sleeping Outside Sheriff's Office Below the Bordertrue- Shotgun Rider Down Texas Waytrue- Townsman Billy the Kid in Santa Fetrue- First Bushwhacker (uncredited) Billy the Kid Wantedtrue- Homesteader Billy The Kid's Round-Uptrue- Townsman Billy the Kid Trappedtrue- Townsman The Lone Rider Rides Ontrue- Henchman Wolves of the Rangetrue- Townsman Devil Riderstrue- Henchman Blazing Frontiertrue- Homesteader Leather Burnerstrue- Henchman The Law Rides Againtrue- Henchman Wild Horse Stampedetrue- Bartender They Died with Their Boots Ontrue- Trooper (uncredited) The Furiestrue- Townsman (uncredited) Bright Leaftrue- Tobacco Worker (uncredited) Slaughter Trailtrue- Trooper (uncredited) Albuquerquetrue- Henchman (uncredited) A Man Alonetrue- Townsman (uncredited) Horizons Westtrue- Rancher (uncredited) The Quiet Guntrue- Townsman (uncredited) Tex Granger: Midnight Rider of the Plainstrue- Barfly (uncredited) Californiatrue- Miner (uncredited) Stagecoach to Denvertrue- Townsman Johnny Guitartrue- Posseman (uncredited)