Ryōta Minowada
Ryōta Minowada
Top Movie Cast
Gamblers: The Dragon Tattootrue Gambler: Victory Without Deathtrue Kanto Street Peddlerstrue The Erotomaniac Daimyotrue Brothers Serving Timetrue Eighteen Years in Prisontrue Sex and Furytrue- Torakichi The Kingdom of Jirocho 2true Girl Boss Guerillatrue- Sugata The Kingdom of Jirocho 4true The Rapacious Jailbreakertrue Evil Boss vs. Henchmentrue Shameless: Abnormal and Abusive Lovetrue- Tappuri-san Code Between Brothers 6true- Deva Tatsumino Shogun's Joy of Torturetrue Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Police Tacticstrue- Furukawa Red Peony Gambler: Gambler's Obligationtrue- Ichizô Orgies of Edotrue- Kumagoro The International Gang of Kobetrue Turtle Geishatrue- Kinoshita Aftermath of Battles Without Honor and Humanitytrue Big Time Gambling Bosstrue- Sakichi Ichikawa Code Between Brothers 5true- Tameo Nishiyama Code Between Brothers 6true Terrifying Girls' High School: Women's Violent Classroomtrue Showdown of Men 4: Tetsu, the White Tigertrue Operation Plazma in Osakatrue The Viper Brothers and the Young Generaltrue Brave Red Flower of the Northtrue The Kanto Scarlet Cherry Gangtrue Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Final Episodetrue- Kuno Guard The Lowly Ronin: Hanayama Daikichitrue Japanese Humanity and Justicetrue A Modern Yakuza: Three Decoy Blood Brotherstrue