Chan Ging
Chan Ging
Top Movie Cast
Royal Warriorstrue- Robin Hood Where's Officer Tuba?true- Man on Pier Return Engagementtrue- Tung Fantasy Romancetrue- Mahjong gambler (Uncredited) Long Arm of the Lawtrue- Rooster Long Arm of the Law IV: Underground Expresstrue- Doggy Magnificent Warriorstrue- Gun Runner Rich and Famoustrue- Brother Snake Vampire Vs. Vampiretrue- Pimp Miracles: The Canton Godfathertrue- Chen Wah's Man Final Victorytrue- Thug at Bar Fist of Fury 1991true- Boss Leung Tiger Cagetrue- Policeman Riki-Oh: The Story of Rickytrue- Centipede / Wild Cat's Thug Moon, Star and Suntrue- Chuen's gangster Crocodile Huntertrue- Li Peng They Came to Rob Hong Kongtrue- Rooster Kung Fu Vs. Acrobatictrue- Snakehead Golden Swallowtrue- Bandit The Truthtrue- Wong Fat's Partner A Punch to Revengetrue- Ma Tin Hung Yes, Madam!true- Armoured Car Thief Dragons Forevertrue- Arms Purchaser Don't Fool Metrue- Casino Clerk The Truth – Final Episodetrue- Policeman Heart Against Heartstrue- Little Beard The Iceman Comethtrue- Arms Dealer Long Arm of the Law IItrue- Ming Profile Images
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