Vasily Rovensky
Vasily Rovensky
Top Movie Cast
The Big Triptrue- Baby Panda (voice) Top Movie Crew
Classmates #NewTurntrueProduction
A Habit of Breaking-UptrueProduction
A Habit of Breaking-UptrueEditing
A Habit of Breaking-UptrueWriting
Cats in the MuseumtrueWriting
Cats in the MuseumtrueProduction
Secret SantatrueProduction
New Year's CheftrueDirecting
Dogs at the OperatrueProduction
Dogs at the OperatrueEditing
Cats in the MuseumtrueDirecting
Remember or NottrueDirecting
Remember or NottrueWriting
The Big Trip 3: Race Around the WorldtrueDirecting
The Big Trip 3: Race Around the WorldtrueProduction
Classmates #NewTurntrueWriting
Cats in the Museum 2: Treasures of EgypttrueProduction
Dogs at the OperatrueDirecting
Dogs at the OperatrueWriting
Enchanted PrincesstrueWriting
The Princess and the DragontrueWriting
The Princess and the DragontrueProduction
The Big Trip 3: Race Around the WorldtrueWriting
The Big Trip 3: Race Around the WorldtrueEditing
Follow Your DreamtrueProduction
Follow Your DreamtrueWriting
The Big TriptrueProduction
Big Trip 2: Special DeliverytrueDirecting
Big Trip 2: Special DeliverytrueWriting
Big Trip 2: Special DeliverytrueProduction
The Big TriptrueDirecting
Pinocchio: A True StorytrueDirecting
Pinocchio: A True StorytrueProduction
The Nutcracker and the Magic FlutetrueWriting
The Trail of DeathtrueProduction
Pinocchio: A True StorytrueWriting
Crazy New Year!trueProduction
Crazy New Year!trueWriting
Crazy New Year!trueEditing
Семейный призракtrueProduction
Семейный призракtrueWriting
Сокровища гномовtrueDirecting
Сокровища гномовtrueProduction
Сокровища гномовtrueWriting
Маленький шефtrueProduction
Сказочные выходныеtrueProduction
Сказочные выходныеtrueWriting
It's My Damn BusinesstrueProduction
It's My Damn BusinesstrueWriting
It's My Damn BusinesstrueEditing
New Year's CheftrueWriting
New Year's CheftrueProduction
New Year's CheftrueEditing
Всё, что тебя касаетсяtrueProduction
Всё, что тебя касаетсяtrueWriting
Маша и МедведиtrueProduction
Маша и МедведиtrueWriting