Jana Oľhová
Jana Oľhová
Top Movie Cast
The Galoshes of Happinesstrue Powertrue- Minister's Wife The Ballad of Piargytrue- Ula The Seven Ravenstrue- Mother Bathory: Countess of Bloodtrue- Dora Little Crusadertrue- Innkeeper's Wife By a Sharp Knifetrue- prokurátorka Prázdniny: Vianočné dobrodružstvotrue Summer Rebelstrue- Schmitke The Man with Hare Earstrue Mŕtvola musí zomrieťtrue- Valika Johankino tajomstvotrue- Matylda The Touchingtrue- Grandmother Surviving Life (Theory and Practice)true- Prostitutka Promise, I'll Be Finetrue- Grandmother Muzikatrue- Mother-in-law