Bertram Bracken
Bertram Bracken
Top Movie Crew
The Test of ManhoodtrueDirecting
In Search of ArcadytrueDirecting
A Branded SoultrueDirecting
The Long Arm of MannistertrueDirecting
In Humble GuisetrueDirecting
The Face on the Barroom FloortrueWriting
The Face on the Barroom FloortrueWriting
The Eternal SaphotrueDirecting
The Policeman and the BabytrueDirecting
The Ne'er to Return RoadtrueDirecting
The Tenderfoot HerotrueDirecting
The ConfessiontrueDirecting
The Face on the Barroom FloortrueDirecting
Harriet and the PipertrueDirecting
The Northern TrailtrueDirecting
The White MousetrueDirecting
The White MousetrueWriting
Parted CurtainstrueWriting
Parted CurtainstrueDirecting