Andrey Gromov
Andrey Gromov
Top Movie Cast
Cinema in Russiatrue- Film footage The Queen of Spadestrue- Count Tomsky The Portraittrue- Painter Chartkov The Dying Swantrue- Count Valerian Sergeevich Glinskiy Wicked Nighttrue- Novoselsky Defence of Sevastopoltrue- Nakhimov Silent Witnessestrue- Nastya's groom, the lackey The Idiottrue- Prince Myshkin Uncle's Apartmenttrue- Fioletov Vadimtrue- Yuriy, Palitsyn's son Eugene Onegintrue- Lenskiy The Enchantresstrue- Prince's son Cold Soulstrue- Khvostikov, property inventory agent The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Knightstrue Lina's Adventure in Sochitrue- Count Another's Soultrue- Pavel Smolin Miss Peasanttrue- Aleksey Berestov The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikovtrue- Kiribeyevich, oprichnik Top Movie Crew
A Woman's AutumntrueDirecting