Zbigniew Stryj
Zbigniew Stryj
Top Movie Cast
St. Barbara's Daytrue- Hubert Szewczyk Strawmantrue- Lieutenant Wojnar A Simple Story About Murdertrue- ojciec Izy Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman 2true- Kucharski Red Poppiestrue- Zygmunt Szyszko-Bohusz Lynchtrue- Policeman Jurecki Karbalatrue- General Dąbek Splinterstrue- Bartek's Brother-in-Law Humble Servantstrue- Inspektor Konarski Colors of Evil: Redtrue- Prosecutor Ambroziak The Traffic Departmenttrue- policjant z Częstochowy Generał Niltrue- major Stefan Bajer Servants of Wartrue- Konarski