Shigeru Izumiya
Shigeru Izumiya
Actor and singer
Top Movie Cast
Pom Pokotrue- Gonta (voice) Assault Rakugaki Foolstrue The Perfect Educationtrue- Kawamata Neck Bowed in the Raintrue- Mohei Keizoku: Unsolved Mysteries - Beautiful Dreamertrue- Kunio Tsubosaka Doraemon: Nobita in the Wan-Nyan Spacetime Odysseytrue- Nekojara (voice) Before Springtrue- Kikunaga I'm No Angeltrue- Higashiyama The Men Who Made Ultramantrue Life on the Longboard 2nd Wavetrue- Genjuro Yasuda Dr. Coto's Clinictrue- Shigeo Ando Anmitsu Himetrue- Abekawa Hikozaemon The Green Citytrue- Shige-san Godzilla: Final Warstrue- Samon Taguchi Shinran: Path to Puritytrue A Road Stained Crimsontrue Counterfeittrue- Toyoji Ikemoto Hakuchi: The Innocenttrue- Isari Hoarder on the Bordertrue- Shigeo Kaneda Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoasttrue- Old Fisherman Terminaltrue- Tatsuzo Minami GARO -Gold Storm- Shotrue- D Ringo Tonovan Musician Kazuhiko Kato and His Eratrue- Self Black Widow Businesstrue- Chojiro Kashimoto April Fishtrue- Fujio Fujisawa Down the Draintrue- Ikeda (Coffee shop owner) The Dropouttrue- Toshiaki Sakagami GARO: Fang of Godtrue- D Ringo The Last True Yakuzatrue- Masaru Ohara Justice is Blind: The Moving Tale of a Vision-Impaired Lawyertrue- Toyoshige Shimura Woman with the Red Hattrue- Tono Akanezora Beyond the Crimson Skytrue- Genji Police Precinct Soultrue- Goro Omaeda His Motorbike, Her Islandtrue- Truck Driver The Beast to Dietrue- Kobayashi The Lowly Ronin 3: Duel at Dawntrue Aftermath of Battles Without Honor and Humanitytrue Lowly Ronin 6: Betrayal at Yatate Passtrue Wolf: Running Is Sextrue- Policeman The Best Skilled Surgeon 2017true- Mamoru Shindo Anmitsu Hime 2true- Hikoemon Fukushima 50true- Matsunaga The Island Closest to Heaventrue- Taichi Watanabe Charge! Hooligans of Hakatatrue Miracle classroomtrue- Gonda Captain Tokiotrue- Governor Defeat the Navy Rock War!true A Morning of Farewelltrue 孤独のグルメ2024大晦日スペシャル 太平洋から日本海 五郎、北へ あの人たちの所まで。true My Town of Hot Baths, Hidden Treasures, and Delicious Ramen.true- Motoe Matsuzo Top Movie Crew
Death PowdertrueDirecting
Defeat the Navy Rock War!trueWriting
Sweaty Naked WifetrueDirecting
Death PowdertrueProduction
Noboru Ando's Chronicle of Fugitive Days and SextrueSound
Wolf: Running Is SextrueSound
Crazy Thunder RoadtrueSound
Crazy Thunder RoadtrueArt
Harlem Valentines Day: Blood Is SextrueDirecting
Harlem Valentines Day: Blood Is SextrueSound
Harlem Valentines Day: Blood Is SextrueWriting
Defeat the Navy Rock War!trueDirecting
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