Norman Walker
Norman Walker
Top Movie Cast
Look Up and Laughtrue- Brierley Whom the Gods Love: The Original Story of Mozart and His Wifetrue- Emanuel Schikaneder Laburnum Grovetrue- Man with Glasses Sing As We Gotrue- Hezikiah Top Movie Crew
The Way AheadtrueProduction
Widecombe FairtrueDirecting
Turn of the TidetrueDirecting
The Fortunate FooltrueDirecting
The House of TrenttrueDirecting
They Knew Mr. KnighttrueDirecting
They Knew Mr. KnighttrueWriting
They Knew Mr. KnighttrueProduction
Tommy AtkinstrueDirecting
Royal Visit to LeithtrueDirecting
Dangerous GroundtrueDirecting
Life of St. PaultrueDirecting
A Romance of SevilletrueDirecting
The Middle WatchtrueDirecting
Mr. Bill the ConquerortrueDirecting
Mr. Bill the ConquerortrueProduction
Uneasy VirtuetrueDirecting
Debt of HonourtrueDirecting
The Hate ShiptrueDirecting