Joshua Kennedy
Joshua Kennedy
Top Movie Cast
The Innsmouth School for Girlstrue- Barnabas Marsh Saturnaliatrue- Melvin Kolbaba Airline '79true- Chuck Daniels The Alpha Omega Mantrue- Robert Neville Curse of the Insect Womantrue- Wayne Brooks Attack of the Octopus Peopletrue- Daniel Davis Slave Girls on the Moontrue- The Warden Theseus and the Minotaurtrue- King Minos House of the Gorgontrue- Dr. Julian Pritchard Dracula A.D. 2015true- Terence Fordyce The Return of Sherlock Holmestrue- Sherlock Holmes The Menace with Five Armstrue- Joseph Kerwin The Vesuvius Xperimenttrue- Doctor Vesuvius The Night of Medusatrue- Count Saknussemm Voyage To The Planet Of Teenage Cavewomentrue- Matt Sullivan Top Movie Crew
Voyage To The Planet Of Teenage CavewomentrueEditing
Voyage To The Planet Of Teenage CavewomentrueProduction
Voyage To The Planet Of Teenage CavewomentrueCrew
Voyage To The Planet Of Teenage CavewomentrueDirecting
Voyage To The Planet Of Teenage CavewomentrueCrew
Voyage To The Planet Of Teenage CavewomentrueWriting
House of the GorgontrueEditing
House of the GorgontrueCamera
The Alpha Omega MantrueDirecting
Curse of the Insect WomantrueProduction
Curse of the Insect WomantrueDirecting
Curse of the Insect WomantrueWriting
Theseus and the MinotaurtrueProduction
The Innsmouth School for GirlstrueDirecting
The Innsmouth School for GirlstrueWriting
Attack of the Octopus PeopletrueDirecting
Attack of the Octopus PeopletrueEditing
Attack of the Octopus PeopletrueWriting
Attack of the Octopus PeopletrueProduction
Slave Girls on the MoontrueDirecting
Slave Girls on the MoontrueWriting
Theseus and the MinotaurtrueWriting
Theseus and the MinotaurtrueDirecting
House of the GorgontrueDirecting
Dracula A.D. 2015trueWriting
Dracula A.D. 2015trueDirecting
The Menace with Five ArmstrueWriting
The Menace with Five ArmstrueDirecting
The Return of Sherlock HolmestrueWriting
The Return of Sherlock HolmestrueDirecting
The Return of Sherlock HolmestrueProduction
The Vesuvius XperimenttrueProduction
The Vesuvius XperimenttrueWriting
The Vesuvius XperimenttrueDirecting
Dracula A.D. 2015trueProduction
The Night of MedusatrueEditing
The Night of MedusatrueProduction
The Night of MedusatrueDirecting
The Night of MedusatrueWriting
House of the GorgontrueWriting
Cowgirls vs. PterodactylstrueWriting
Cowgirls vs. PterodactylstrueDirecting
Cowgirls vs. PterodactylstrueProduction