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Bradford English
Top Movie Cast
Basic Instincttrue- Campus Policeman Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myerstrue- John Strode The Onion Fieldtrue- Red Haired Cop Hanky Pankytrue- Guard #1 Thick as Thievestrue- Kendall Dying to Love Youtrue- Detective Mother and Daughter: The Loving Wartrue- Don Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Storytrue- Thompkins Deal of the Centurytrue- Man from McDonnell Douglas The Anderson Tapestrue- T.V. Watcher The Fabulous Baker Boystrue- Earl The Revenge of Al Caponetrue- Warden Johnson M.A.D.D.: Mothers Against Drunk Driverstrue- Officer Sternhagen Lucky Youtrue- Tommy the Poker Host