Roy Poole
Roy Poole
Top Movie Cast
The Whole World Is Watchingtrue- Jim Church The End of Augusttrue- Dr. Mandalet The Greatest Man in the Worldtrue Hellinger's Lawtrue- Judge Carroll Act of Violencetrue- Catherine's Father Mandingotrue- Doc Redfield Sometimes a Great Notiontrue- Jonathan Draeger Up the Down Staircasetrue- Mr. McHabe Experiment in Terrortrue- Brad The Ordeal of Patty Hearsttrue- Tyler George Romero's Golden Tales 3true 1776true- Stephen Hopkins (RI) A Cry in the Wildernesstrue- Rex Millard The Witches of Salem: The Horror and the Hopetrue The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittmantrue- Mister Robert The Tenth Leveltrue- Dr. Goodman Brubakertrue- Dr. Gregory Roll of Thunder, Hear My Crytrue- Granger Abe Lincoln in Illinoistrue- Seth Gale The Betsytrue- John Duncan Profile Images
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