Beatrice Varley
Beatrice Varley
Top Movie Cast
Identity Unknowntrue- Matron Melbatrue- Aunt Catherine The Man in Greytrue- Gypsy Fortune Teller Room at the Toptrue- Aunt Echo of Barbaratrue- Mrs. Roscoe Horrors of the Black Museumtrue- Aggie Tiger in the Smoketrue- Lucy Cash Now Let Him Gotrue- Mrs. Beeston Hatter's Castletrue- Mrs. Brodie So Well Rememberedtrue- Annie She Shall Have Murdertrue- Mrs. Hawthorne Death Goes to Schooltrue- Miss Hopkinson Love Storytrue- Miss Rossiter Holiday Camptrue- Valerie's Aunt They Made Me a Fugitivetrue The Agitatortrue- Mrs. Shackleton Pygmaliontrue- Mrs. Pearce Poison Pentrue- Mrs. Jenkins Squadron Leader Xtrue- Mrs. Krohn My Brother Jonathantrue- Mrs. Hodgkiss Send for Paul Templetrue- Miss Amelia Marchment A Welcome to Britaintrue- Vi (uncredited) The Black Ridertrue- Mrs. Marsh Tomorrow We Livetrue- Patricia's Mother Bees in Paradisetrue- Moagga Waterloo Roadtrue- Mrs. Colter I'll Walk Beside Youtrue- Miss McKenzie Bachelor of Heartstrue- Mrs. Upcott The Good Companionstrue- Mrs Carrie Nunn Good-Time Girltrue- Mrs. Rawlings My Brother's Keepertrue- Mrs. Martin Sea Wifetrue- Elderly Nun Hindle Wakestrue- Mrs. Hollins Secret Missiontrue- Mrs. Donkin Adam and Evelynetrue- Mrs. Parker The Wicked Ladytrue- Aunt Moll A Man from the Suntrue- Miss Prior Millions Like Ustrue- Miss Wells The Surgeon's Knifetrue- Mrs. Waring The Upturned Glasstrue- Injured Girl's Mother Bang! You're Deadtrue- Mrs. Moxted Johnny Frenchmantrue- Mrs. Tremayne Great Daytrue- Miss Tracy Hell Driverstrue- Tom's Mother Paul Temple's Triumphtrue- Mrs. Weston Welcome, Mr Washingtontrue- Martha The Master of Bankdamtrue- Mrs. Pickersgill The Bells Go Downtrue- Ma Turk The Feminine Touchtrue- Sister Snow Spring Handicaptrue- Mrs. Tulip