Christopher Collins
Christopher Collins
Top Movie Cast
Transformers - Le cosmitrontrue- Starscream The Danger Teamtrue- Truk (voice) A Stranger Among Ustrue- Chris Baldessari Rover Dangerfieldtrue- Big Boss (voice) The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eyetrue- Wheeljack (voice) / Starscream (voice) The Butter Battle Booktrue- Chief Yonkeroo (voice) Blue Deserttrue- Phone Man The Transformers: The Movietrue- Starscream (voice) Road Housetrue- Sharing Husband G.I. Joe: Arise, Serpentor, Arise!true- Cobra Commander / Gung-Ho / Horror Show / Ripper (voice) G.I. Joe: The Movietrue- Cobra Commander / Gung Ho / Ripper / Televiper #1 (voice) G.I. Joe: A Real American Herotrue- Cobra Commander / Gung-Ho / Breaker / Steeler (voice) G.I. Joe: The Revenge of Cobratrue- Cobra Commander / Gung-Ho / Breaker (voice) Inhumanoids: The Movietrue- D'Compose / Granahue / Tendril (voice) Outta Pockettrue- DeMarco Transformers: 40th Anniversary Eventtrue- Starscream / Wheeljack / Laserbeak (archive audio) Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoottrue- Gang Member The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I. Joetrue- Breaker