Prentis Hancock
Prentis Hancock
Top Movie Cast
Hitler's SS: Portrait in Eviltrue- Karl Tessler Chocky's Childrentrue- Arnold Meyer Chocky's Challengetrue- Arnold Meyer The Saint and the Brave Goosetrue- Vic Journey Through the Black Suntrue- Paul Morrow Alien Attacktrue- Paul Morrow Doctor Who: Planet of Eviltrue- Salamar Doctor Who: The Ribos Operationtrue- Shrieve Captain When Eight Bells Tolltrue- Agent (uncredited) Friend or Foetrue- Sergeant Defence of the Realmtrue- Frank Longman The Thirty Nine Stepstrue- Perryman Jekyll & Hydetrue- Vendor/Detective Doctor Who: Planet of the Dalekstrue- Vaber The Monster Clubtrue- Policeman No Defencetrue- Insp. Barrett The Doctors: Heroes and Villains!true