David Tomblin
David Tomblin
Top Movie Cast
In My Mindtrue- Himself (archive) Top Movie Crew
The LiquidatortrueDirecting
Raiders of the Lost ArktrueDirecting
UFO - Allarme rosso... Attacco alla Terra!trueCrew
UFO - Allarme rosso... Attacco alla Terra!trueDirecting
Return of the EwoktrueDirecting
Return of the EwoktrueWriting
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter BrothertrueDirecting
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadetrueDirecting
Empire of the SuntrueDirecting
A Bridge Too FartrueDirecting
Return of the JeditrueDirecting
Superman II: The Richard Donner CuttrueDirecting
Hearst Castle: Building the DreamtrueDirecting
The Empire Strikes BacktrueDirecting
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomtrueDirecting
The HauntingtrueDirecting
Barry LyndontrueDirecting
Never Say Never AgaintrueDirecting
A Warm DecembertrueDirecting
Shaft in AfricatrueDirecting
I Thank a FooltrueDirecting
March or DietrueDirecting
Reach for GlorytrueDirecting
The Prisoner of ZendatrueDirecting
Night Must FalltrueDirecting
The Three MusketeerstrueDirecting
Out of AfricatrueDirecting
The Man in the Iron MasktrueDirecting
Murder Most FoultrueDirecting
Return of the JeditrueDirecting
Taste of FeartrueDirecting
The Alphabet MurderstrueDirecting