Hal Taliaferro
Hal Taliaferro
Top Movie Cast
Red Rivertrue- Old Leather American Empiretrue- Malone The Meddlin' Strangertrue- Wally Fraser (as Wally Wales) Trapped by G-Mentrue- Federal Agent Trails of Dangertrue- Bob Bartlett So This Is Arizonatrue- Bob Ransome The Savage Hordetrue- Sgt. Gowdy Pioneer Trailtrue- Henchman Smokey Tearin' Loosetrue- Wally Blake (as Wally Wales) Trigger Tomtrue- Sam Slater (as Wally Wales) The Silver Bullettrue- Deputy Dick (as Walt Williams) Crossing Trailstrue- Peter Marcus (as Wally Wales) Two-Fisted Rangerstrue- Sheriff Jim Hanley The Unknown Rangertrue- Chuckler Rio Grande Rangertrue- Ranger Hal Garrick Breed of the Westtrue- Wally Weldon (as Wally Wales) The Stranger from Texastrue- Clay Billings Outpost of the Mountiestrue- Evans Flying Lariatstrue- Wally Dunbar (as Wally Wales) Bad Man of Deadwoodtrue- Ripper Haunted Harbortrue- Lawson [Ch. 1, 6-7] Cowboy and the Senoritatrue- Matt Ferguson Adventures of Texas Jacktrue- Texas Jack Western Racketeerstrue- Sheriff Rawlings The Oil Raidertrue- Oil Well Driller (uncredited) The Border Legiontrue- Amos Link In Old Cheyennetrue- Henchman Pete Red River Valleytrue- Murdock Ridin' Down the Canyontrue- Henchman Pete The Yellow Rose of Texastrue- Ferguson Song of Texastrue- Henchman Rootin' Tootin' Rhythmtrue- Buffalo Brady Lucky Terrortrue- Henchman Shake The Desert of the Losttrue- Jim Drake Red Fork Rangetrue- Wally Hamilton The Pecos Kidtrue- Eric Grayson The Vanishing Riderstrue- Wolf Lawson Hair-Trigger Caseytrue- Dave Casey Law and Leadtrue- Steve Bradley, posing as The Juarez Kid Arizona Cyclonetrue- Jim Blaine Federal Operator 99true- Matt Farrell Law of the Rangertrue- Wally Hood Adventures of Red Rydertrue- Cherokee Sims The Cactus Kidtrue- Cowhand Andy Fighting Caballerotrue- Henchman Wildcat Gun Playtrue- George Holt Law and Lawlesstrue- Buck Daggett Deadwood Passtrue- Pete Sorrenson The Phantom Ridertrue- Lew Man from Music Mountaintrue- Henchman Slade The Phantom Ridertrue- Nugget Overland with Kit Carsontrue- Jim Stewart The Lone Rangertrue- Bob Stuart The Fighting Rookietrue- Gambler Silver Spurstrue- Steve Corlan Heir to Troubletrue- Cowhand Spurs Avenging Waterstrue- Slivers Lawless Riderstrue- Carl Walton (as Wally Wales) Pioneers of the Westtrue- Jed Clark Border Gunstrue- Sheriff Tom Danger Trailstrue- Desolation Wilson The Man with Nine Livestrue- Sheriff Stanton Canyon Hawkstrue- Dick Carson The Cowboy and the Bandittrue- Chuck Wells Fargotrue- Minor Role Tearin' Into Troubletrue- Wally Tilland (as Wally Wales) Vigilantes of Dodge Citytrue- Walter Bishop Riders of the Frontiertrue- Henchman Buck Daughter of the Tongtrue- FBI Agent Lawson The Call of the Savagetrue- Lancer Officer-in-Charge Along the Rio Grandetrue- Sweetwater Sheriff The Rangers Step Intrue- Breck Warren Bullets for Rustlerstrue- Eb Smith Frontiers of '49true- Kit Western Caravanstrue- Joel Winters Stagecoach Daystrue- Milt Dodds Springtime in Texastrue- Henchman Red Higgins The Voice from the Skytrue- Jack Deering Bar-L Ranchtrue- Frank Kellogg Sagebrush Trailtrue- Deputy Sheriff The Crime Patroltrue- Henchman Driving Getaway Car (uncredited) Jesse James at Baytrue- Paul Sloan, Lawyer The Trigger Triotrue- Henchman Luke Overland Boundtrue- Buck Hawkins The Carson City Kidtrue- Henchman Rick Harmon Young Bill Hickoktrue- Morrell Dark Commandtrue- Angry Townsman in Bank Heart of the Rockiestrue- Captain Brady Riders of the Timberlinetrue- Ed Petrie Hoppy Serves a Writtrue- Greg Jordan Fallen Angeltrue- Officer Gus Johnson (uncredited) Little Joe, the Wranglertrue- Ben Travis Hi-Yo Silvertrue- Bob Stuart Men of Actiontrue- Henchman Wally California Passagetrue- Buck Hanley (uncredited) The Gallant Legiontrue- Billy Smith The Fighting Seabeestrue- Lt. Cmdr. Hood (uncredited) The Painted Stalliontrue- Jim Bowie Cowboy in the Cloudstrue- Haldey Roaring Frontierstrue- Link Twiddle Border Vigilantestrue- Ed Stone Sheriff of Tombstonetrue- A.J. Slade Romance on the Rangetrue- Sheriff Wilson Sons of the Pioneerstrue- Matt - Henchman Frontier Lawtrue- Frank Rodgers The Great Train Robberytrue- Pierce Law of the Rangetrue- Tim O'Brien Zorro's Black Whiptrue- Baxter Under Fiesta Starstrue- Announcer Smoky Smoking Gunstrue- Henchman Heart of the Golden Westtrue- Drake King of the Arenatrue- Bronc Riding Spectator Silent Valleytrue- Fred Jones Rustlers of Red Dogtrue- Henchman (as Wally Wales) [Chs. 1, 6-9, 11-12] The Woman of the Towntrue- Wagner Leather Burnerstrue- Telegrapher Lafe Colt Comradestrue- Murdered Station Agent Strandedtrue- Peterson (uncredited) Powdersmoke Rangetrue- Aloysius 'Bud' Taggart (as Wally Wales) The Way of the Westtrue- Wally Gordon (as Wally Wales) The Flyin' Buckarootrue- Bill Mathews Double Daringtrue- Wally Meeker (as Wally Wales) The Lost Jungletrue- Sandy Swiftytrue- Price McNiel (as Wally Wales) Ace of Actiontrue- Wally Rand Sundown Trailtrue- Wally Barton Carrying the Mailtrue- Wally Reed Pals of the Westtrue- Capt. Wally Wallace The Lone Ridertrue- Wally - aka Jeff Smith West of the Lawtrue- Wally Williams Fighting Texanstrue- Bill West of the Dividetrue- Henchman Six Gun Justicetrue- Nevada Joe Profile Images
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