Tetsu Nakamura
Tetsu Nakamura
Top Movie Cast
What's Up, Tiger Lily?true- Grand Exalted High Macha of Rashpur Red Suntrue- Ambassador Sakaguchi The Mysterianstrue- Dr. Koda Space Amoebatrue- Chieftain Ombo The Manstertrue- Dr. Robert Suzuki Mothratrue- Nelson's Henchman Latitude Zerotrue- Dr. Okada Mastermindtrue- Mr. Hiruta (as Satoshi Nakamura) The Eyes of Two Peopletrue Geisha Girltrue- Tetsu Nakano Atragontrue- Warship Captain The Human Vaportrue- Journalist (uncredited) The Battleship Yamatotrue Tokyo File 212true- Mr. Oyama Samurai Piratetrue- Chief Archer Oriental Eviltrue- Noritomu Moriaji The Last Dinosaurtrue- Dr. Kawamoto Legacy of the 500,000true The Big Wavetrue- Toru's Father The Killing Bottletrue- Head of ZZZ Hong Kong Branch Office Madame Butterflytrue- Yamadori Invitation to Happinesstrue Tidal Wavetrue- Philippines Ambassador