Fred Walton
Fred Walton
Top Movie Cast
Little Lord Fauntleroytrue- Landlord Name the Womantrue- Butler Circumstantial Evidencetrue- Judge Marriage in Transittrue- Valet 30 Below Zerotrue- Butler Broadway Billtrue- Butler (uncredited) River of No Returntrue- Prospector (uncredited) The Fast Settrue- Simpson The Little Adventuresstrue- Dominick How to Save a Marriage and Ruin Your Lifetrue- Pedestrian (uncredited) The White Angeltrue- Doctor (uncredited) Lilitrue- Whistler (uncredited) It Happened One Nighttrue- Butler (uncredited) Torture Shiptrue- Dr. Beemish Dracula's Daughtertrue- Dr. Beemish The Far Countrytrue- Townsman (uncredited) Forbidden Heaventrue- Pluffy, His Lordship The House of a Thousand Candlestrue- Alf It's Always Fair Weathertrue- Bar Patron (uncredited) Below the Deadlinetrue- Festenberg A Feather in Her Hattrue- Heckler (uncredited) The House of Shametrue- M. Fanchon South Of Panamatrue- Captain of the Guard The Moonstonetrue- Henry, Butler Sin Takes a Holidaytrue- Martin The Comedy of Terrorstrue- Mourner (uncredited) Vagabond Ladytrue- Minister at Wedding (uncredited)