Truman Bradley
Truman Bradley
Top Movie Cast
Dead Men Telltrue- Capt. Kane of the Suva Star Charlie Chan in Riotrue- Paul Wagner The Horn Blows at Midnighttrue- Radio Announcer Confidence Girltrue- Narrator (voice) Mob Towntrue- Officer Cutler Murder Among Friendstrue- McAndrews Help Wantedtrue- Labor Commissioner's Representative On Borrowed Timetrue- James Northrup Millionaires in Prisontrue- Dr. William 'Bill' Collins Never Wave at a WACtrue- Narrator (voice) (uncredited) Young Dr. Kildaretrue- Jack Hamilton Last of the Duanestrue- Texas Ranger Capt Laramie Stronger Than Desiretrue- Man in Courtroom (uncredited) Spring Madnesstrue- Walter Beckett The Ice Follies of 1939true- Paul Rodney (Voice) The Hardys Ride Hightrue- Clerk Miracles for Saletrue- Nightclub Master of Ceremonies Frontier Daystrue- Narrator A Failure at Fiftytrue- Lincoln's Friend Northward, Ho!true- Himself Macaotrue- Narrator (voice) (uncredited) Keep 'Em Flyingtrue- Butch Bombay Clippertrue- Dr. Gregory Landers The Night Before the Divorcetrue- Bruce Campbell Special Agenttrue- Narrator (voice) Northwest Passagetrue- Captain Ogden Think Firsttrue- Crime Lab Technician Lone Star Rangertrue- Phil Lawson Call Northside 777true- Narrator (voice) (uncredited) They Died with Their Boots Ontrue- 7th Michigan officer (uncredited) Women on the Warpathtrue- Narrator (voice) We Who Are Youngtrue- Commentator (uncredited) (voice) Hollywood Hobbiestrue- Narrator (uncredited) Burma Convoytrue- Victor Harrison I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Nowtrue- Martin Webb Vacation from Lovetrue- Mark Shelby Objective, Burma!true- Narrator (voice) Profile Images
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