J. Gunnis Davis
J. Gunnis Davis
Top Movie Cast
The Trouble Shootertrue- Pete Highley / Francis Earle Headin' Northtrue- Claudius Smith - of Smith & Smith (as Gunnis Davis) Bulldog Drummond Escapestrue- Attendant Atlantic Adventuretrue- Locksmith The Midnight Alarmtrue- Springer The Hazards of Helen Ep33: In Danger's Pathtrue- Chicago Jim - Yeggman The Road to Francetrue- Dennis O'Leary Bolshevism on Trialtrue- Jim We Have Our Momentstrue- Waiter The Right to Livetrue- Harvey - Gardener Lilac Timetrue- Bit Part (uncredited) The White Angeltrue- Secretary (uncredited) Charlie Chan Carries Ontrue- Eben Bride of Frankensteintrue- Uncle Glutz (uncredited) The Hazards of Helen: Episode13, The Escape on the Fast Freighttrue- Pete, a Tramp A Feather in Her Hattrue- Man (uncredited) The Notorious Ladytrue- William One More Rivertrue- Benjy Bulldog Drummond Strikes Backtrue- Harsh Voice Man The Lucky Horseshoetrue- Denman's Valet Clive of Indiatrue- Clerk Les Misérablestrue- Defense Consul in Arras Top Movie Crew
The Mysterious CiphertrueDirecting
The Capture of Red StanleytrueDirecting
The Treasure TraintrueDirecting
Nerves of SteeltrueDirecting
One Chance in a HundredtrueDirecting
The Substitute FiremantrueDirecting
A Perilous ChancetrueDirecting
The Limited's PeriltrueDirecting
A Girl's GrittrueDirecting
The Broken RailtrueDirecting
Train Order Number Forty-FivetrueDirecting
A Matter of SecondstrueDirecting
The Runaway BoxcartrueDirecting
The Watertank PlottrueDirecting
A Test of CouragetrueDirecting
A Mile a MinutetrueDirecting
The Rescue of the Brakeman's ChildrentrueDirecting
The Dynamite TraintrueDirecting
Danger Ahead!trueDirecting
The Tramp TelegraphertrueDirecting
The Girl and the SpecialtrueDirecting
The Girl on the BridgetrueDirecting
Crossed WirestrueDirecting
A Boy at the ThrottletrueDirecting
When Seconds CounttrueDirecting
Tapped WirestrueDirecting
The Haunted StationtrueDirecting
At the Risk of Her LifetrueDirecting
The Record RuntrueDirecting
The Perilous SwingtrueDirecting
The Bridge of DangertrueDirecting
The Peril of the RailstrueDirecting
The Trapping of 'Peeler' WhitetrueDirecting
The Girl Telegrapher's NervetrueDirecting
The Broken WiretrueDirecting
The Race for a SidingtrueDirecting
The Human TelegramtrueDirecting
The Detective's PeriltrueDirecting
A Race for a LifetrueDirecting
The Girl Who DaredtrueDirecting
The Spiked SwitchtrueDirecting
The Trail of DangertrueDirecting
A Race Through the AirtrueDirecting
The Engineer's HonortrueDirecting
To Save the RoadtrueDirecting
The Broken BraketrueDirecting
In Death's PathwaytrueDirecting
A Plunge from the SkytrueDirecting
A Mystery of the RailstrueDirecting
Hurled Through the DrawbridgetrueDirecting
With the Aid of the WreckertrueDirecting
The Secret of the Box CartrueDirecting
Ablaze on the RailstrueDirecting
At Danger's CalltrueDirecting
The Hoodoo of Division BtrueDirecting
The Death SwingtrueDirecting
The Blocked TracktrueDirecting
Defying DeathtrueDirecting
A Daring ChancetrueDirecting
To Save the SpecialtrueDirecting
The Lost MessengertrueDirecting
The Gate of DeathtrueDirecting
The Open TracktrueDirecting
The Wrong Train OrdertrueDirecting
The Governor's SpecialtrueDirecting
The Hazards of HelentrueDirecting