Donald Haines
Donald Haines
Top Movie Cast
Fugitive from a Prison Camptrue- Burly Bascomb Spooks Run Wildtrue- Skinny Bowery Blitzkriegtrue- Skinny, red-haired kid Skippytrue- Harley Nubbins No Greater Glorytrue- Csonakos Sergeant Maddentrue- Milton The Boss Didn't Say Good Morningtrue- Office Boy Little Man, What Now?true- Emil Little Miss Nobodytrue- Harold Slade Shivering Shakespearetrue- Donny The First Seven Yearstrue- Speck (uncredited) Love and Hissestrue- Newsboy The Nitwitstrue- Hal - Office Boy On Your Toestrue- Elevator Operator Never Say Dietrue- Julius - Bellhop The Winning Tickettrue- Stubby Pride of the Bowerytrue- Skinny That Gang of Minetrue- Skinny Boys of the Citytrue- Peewee East Side Kidstrue- PeeWee Melody Ranchtrue- Callboy A Lad an' a Lamptrue- Toughie Readin' and Writin'true- Donald Birthday Bluestrue- Boy with Mousetrap Helping Grandmatrue- Donald Love Businesstrue- Donald The Return of Wild Billtrue- Delivers telegram Bunker Beantrue- Jones & Co. Office Boy (uncredited) Down on the Farmtrue- Boy in Drug Store Manhattan Melodramatrue- Young Spud (uncredited) When a Feller Needs a Friendtrue- Fatty Bullen Vagabond Ladytrue- Spear Office Boy (uncredited)