Clara Kuperberg
Clara Kuperberg
Top Movie Cast
Deauville et le rêve américaintrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Yellowface: Asian Whitewashing and Racism in HollywoodtrueDirecting
La Censure à HollywoodtrueDirecting
La Censure à HollywoodtrueWriting
From Weepies to Chick FlickstrueWriting
From Weepies to Chick FlickstrueDirecting
Hannibal Hopkins & Sir AnthonytrueDirecting
Hollywood Gossip: les commères d'HollywoodtrueDirecting
Martin Scorsese, l'émotion par la musiquetrueDirecting
Irrésistible Gary CoopertrueDirecting
The Screwball Comedy - When Hollywood Went MadtrueDirecting
Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss LupinotrueEditing
Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss LupinotrueDirecting
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of MythtrueDirecting
John Ford & Monument ValleytrueDirecting
Joni Mitchell, le spleen et la colèretrueDirecting
This Is Orson WellestrueDirecting
This Is Orson WellestrueWriting
Jack Lemmon, a true TroupertrueDirecting
Los Angeles Film NoirtrueDirecting
Teen Movies les originestrueDirecting
The Women Who Run HollywoodtrueDirecting
Billy Wilder: Nobody's PerfecttrueDirecting
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, FeministtrueEditing
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, FeministtrueProduction
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, FeministtrueWriting
Gene Tierney: A Forgotten StartrueDirecting
Gene Tierney: A Forgotten StartrueEditing
The Witches of HollywoodtrueProduction
Mary Pickford a Blessing and a CursetrueDirecting
Mary Pickford a Blessing and a CursetrueEditing
Hollywood CensoredtrueWriting
Hollywood CensoredtrueDirecting
Ronald Reagan, un président sur mesuretrueDirecting
Ronald Reagan, un président sur mesuretrueWriting
I, Douglas FairbankstrueDirecting
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, FeministtrueDirecting
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of MythtrueWriting
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of MythtrueEditing
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of MythtrueProduction
Jack Lemmon, a true TroupertrueWriting
The Women Who Run HollywoodtrueProduction
The Women Who Run HollywoodtrueWriting
The Women Who Run HollywoodtrueEditing
Billy Wilder: Nobody's PerfecttrueWriting
Billy Wilder: Nobody's PerfecttrueProduction
Billy Wilder: Nobody's PerfecttrueEditing
James Ellroy: American DogtrueWriting
James Ellroy: American DogtrueDirecting
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!trueDirecting
Hollywood SpiestrueDirecting
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!trueProduction
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!trueEditing
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!trueWriting
Il était une fois à MonacotrueWriting
Joni Mitchell, Lady BluetrueDirecting
Joni Mitchell, Lady BluetrueEditing
Joni Mitchell, Lady BluetrueWriting
The True Story of the BarrymorestrueProduction
Bearing Witness Native American Voices in HollywoodtrueDirecting
Bearing Witness Native American Voices in HollywoodtrueWriting