Franca Scagnetti
Franca Scagnetti
Top Movie Cast
Firefighters 2: Heroic Missiontrue- Ostessa Scent of a Womantrue- Nun-nurse (uncredited) The Scent of the Nighttrue- Waitress (uncredited) Two hearts, a Chapeltrue- Sua Madre Burnt By A Scalding Passiontrue- La chiromante Romulus and Remus: The Story of Two Sons of a Wolftrue- Donna Sabina (uncredited) Tanto va la gatta al lardo...true- mamma di Maria The Adventures of Baron Munchausentrue- Citizen (uncredited) The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentinetrue- Nun (uncredited) Italian Sextrue- prostituta (uncredited) The Last Italian Tangotrue- partecipante alla gara di tango Horse Fevertrue- Train Passenger (uncredited) Ricky & Barabbatrue- Ammalata all'ospedale, dietro il paravento Pierino the Pest to the Rescuetrue- inquilina Cafè Expresstrue- Woman in the Toilette (uncredited) We Are All in Temporary Libertytrue Sesso e volentieritrue- Linda, la vicina Christmas Holidaystrue- Nonna Marchetti Mala, Love and Deathtrue- Cleaning Lady Giovannona Long-Thightrue- Cameriera Love Sacrificetrue- Priest's housekeeper Three Cheers for Ustrue- Rosa Violent Rometrue- Bus Passenger (uncredited) The Black Handtrue- Woman finding Body (uncredited) Rome, the Other Face of Violencetrue- Old Woman with Cart (uncredited) The Castro's Abbesstrue- Backstreet Abortionist (uncredited) The Comicstrue- un'invitata al matrimonio Lobster for Breakfasttrue- vicina di casa Tucci Watch Out for Perestroikatrue- fruttivendola For the Love of Poppeatrue- Franca A Common Sense of Modestytrue- Restaurant waitress (uncredited) Una vacanza del cactustrue- Katina, cuoca greca The Lady Medictrue- passante Colpo di fulminetrue- Attilia Sugar, Honey and Peppertrue- madre di Rosalia Pierino il fichissimotrue- Assunta, la bidella Soap and Watertrue- donna alla finestra nº 1 Who Killed Pasolini?true- Woman at Idroscalo My Wife is a Witchtrue- Maid I Won the New Year's Lotterytrue- portiera del condominio Pane, burro e marmellatatrue- la serva Teresatrue- madre della sposa Arrivano i gattitrue- impiegata TV privata Beach Housetrue- la donna grassa Taste of the Seatrue- donna scandalizzata Una vacanza bestialetrue- hostess Desirable Teachertrue- Cassiera Bar The Temptertrue- Supermarket Customer (uncredited) For the Love of Poppeatrue- (uncredited) Le notti peccaminose di Pietro l'Aretinotrue My House My House...true- Vedova sfrattata dalla baracca abusiva Tutti a squolatrue- Donna con le borse della spesa Stardusttrue- Sorella di Ciccio The Yellow Panthertrue- Una cuoca al ricevimento Big Deal on Madonna Street 20 Years Latertrue- Erminia Confessions of a Lady Coptrue- Borgatara Eccezzziunale... veramentetrue- Moglie del Cav. La Monica The Scopone Gametrue- Pasqualina, la cuoca Dirty Weekendtrue- Restaurant Customer (uncredited) Teste di quoiotrue- Madre del portiere (uncredited) Naked Fiststrue- Prostitute (uncredited) Who's Afraid of Zorrotrue- Cook (uncredited) How Funny Can Sex Be?true- Grazia's Mother / ('Viaggio di nozze') Without Familytrue- Woman in Hospital (uncredited) In the Name of the Italian Peopletrue- Porter Stream Linetrue- Amalia - madre di Amadeo Sweet Teentrue- Carmeluzza Talcum Powdertrue- Portinaia Regina Coelitrue- Gattara Sorbole... che romagnola!true- Rosalia's mother Beautiful, Rich, Slight Physical Defect, Seeks Soulmatetrue Permettete signora che ami vostra figlia?true- locandiera The Venus of Illetrue- Una ospite del banchetto nuziale (uncredited) Profile Images
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