Tadashi Suganuma
Tadashi Suganuma
Top Movie Cast
Gambler's Farewelltrue- Sanada South Pacific Waves Are Hightrue Gang Loyalty and Vengeancetrue Gang's Upward Strategytrue Anatahantrue- Kusakabe, Husband of Keiko A Fugitive from the Pasttrue- Detective Sato G-men of Japan 4: Special Armed Unit Mobilizationtrue Uragirimono wa jigoku dazetrue Devotion to Railwaytrue- Railway police officer B The Battleship Yamatotrue- Officer Katahira Cosmetic Sales Competitiontrue Song of Kagoshimatrue- Yajima Officer Morgan and a Man of Mysterytrue- Minegishi Men in a Rough Towntrue- Detective Nakanishi Terror Beneath the Seatrue- Nishida The Eleventh Hourtrue- Diver Tenka no Kaidanji Senpū Tarōtrue