Lisa Golm
Lisa Golm
Top Movie Cast
Possessedtrue- Elsie - Graham's maid in DC Without Reservationstrue- Alma (uncredited) Shadow of a Womantrue- Emma, Eric's Sister Calling Dr. Deathtrue- Marion's Mother The Hoodlumtrue- Mrs. Lubeck Monkey on My Backtrue- Barney's Mother Payment on Demandtrue- Molly The Tanks Are Comingtrue- Heinie's Grandmother Ride The High Irontrue- Mrs. Danielchik Anna Lucastatrue- Theresa A Foreign Affairtrue- German (uncredited) Cry Wolftrue- Mrs. Laidell (uncredited) Confessions of a Nazi Spytrue- Mrs. Anna Westphal (uncredited) Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullettrue- Nurse The Great Sinnertrue- Elderly Lady (uncredited) Journey for Margarettrue- Frau Weber East Side, West Sidetrue- Josephine Come Back, Little Shebatrue- Mrs. Coffman So Ends Our Nighttrue- The Pale Woman - Ruth's Roommate Woman of the Yeartrue- Yugoslav Consul's Wife (uncredited) Above Suspiciontrue- Frau Schultz (Uncredited) Background to Dangertrue- German Daughter Madame Curietrue- Lucille (uncredited) Mission to Moscowtrue- Train Passenger Arriving Late (uncredited) The Blue Veiltrue- Elsa (Uncredited) The Merry Widowtrue- Queen (uncredited)