Nikola Todev
Nikola Todev
Top Movie Cast
A Ray of Sunshinetrue- Bay Lambo Manly Timestrue- Kara Kolio Examinationtrue- Padre de Liyu The Hare Censustrue- Bay Georgi, the village mayor Dance of the Samodivitrue- shopkeeper Ladies' Choicetrue- the uncle The Last Wordtrue- Strazharyat Time of Violencetrue- Stoyko protzvet Wrathful Journeytrue- Bay Stoyan Memories of the Twin Sistertrue- Stefan Cherry Gardentrue- Savata The Three Deadly Sinstrue The Dragontrue- Kalota, the boyar Men Without Worktrue- the village mayor Войникът от обозаtrue- Kantonerat The Boy Turns Mantrue- Katadzhiyata