Hunter von Leer
Hunter von Leer
Top Movie Cast
History of the World: Part Itrue- Lt. Bob - The Roman Empire The Stone Killertrue- Graham Halloween IItrue- Deputy Gary Hunt High Anxietytrue- Policeman at Airport Mean Dog Bluestrue- Guard at Conjugal Barracks Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hourstrue- Marine The Day the Bubble Bursttrue A Brand New Lifetrue- Burt Under the Boardwalktrue- Midos Cahill: United States Marshaltrue- Deputy Sheriff Jim Kane Executive Actiontrue- Rifleman - Team B Deadly Gametrue- Deputy John The Violation of Sarah McDavidtrue- Brian The Unholy Rollerstrue- Larry Into the Suntrue- Lt. Col. Reynolds Panic in Echo Parktrue- Police Officer The Girl in the Empty Gravetrue- Deputy John Promise Him Anythingtrue- Lyle The Kansas City Massacretrue- Fred Barker The Strangertrue- Mayor Carl Perkins The Missouri Breakstrue- Sandy (as Hunter Von Leer) The Round and Roundtrue- M.B. Black Sundaytrue- Cameraman Trapped Beneath the Seatrue- Seaman Schrier