Sumiko Hidaka
Sumiko Hidaka
Top Movie Cast
Double Suicidetrue- Proprietress Echo in the Mountainstrue The juveniletrue- Michiko Haru ranman tanuki matsuritrue- Ruri-hime Hole in Onetrue- Takeko Nakamura Magistrate Ooka’s Legendstrue Twenty-One Fingerprintstrue Foul Playtrue- Emi Ishikawa The Cannery Boattrue- Whore Chikamatsu's Love in Osakatrue Claws of Irontrue- Emiko Haraguchi, Kyosuke's lover The Street Without Suntrue- Haruki Takae The Last True Yakuzatrue- Matriarch Ishioka Seven Masks of Revengetrue Miyamoto Musashi V: Musashi vs Kojirotrue- Court Lady Souls in the Moonlighttrue Farewell to the Landtrue- Ine Yamazawa Semyonov's Gold Ingotstrue Bitter End of a Sweet Nighttrue The Flower and the Dragontrue Get Married, Mothertrue- Kameko Sakuma The Lost Public Fundstrue- Okon Flower and Dragon: Duel of the Sea Cavestrue Policeman's Diary, Part 2true The Beauty and the Dragontrue The Man Who Laughs Lasttrue At the Time Men Have Seen Bloodtrue The Dead Beauty Incidenttrue As the Clouds Scattertrue Ryuji, the Gun Slingertrue