Michael Brennan
Michael Brennan
Top Movie Cast
Doomwatchtrue- Tom Straker Tom Brown's Schooldaystrue- Black Bart The Clouded Yellowtrue- Police Superintendent Morning Departuretrue- CPO Barlow Medieval England: The Peasants' Revolttrue- Father They Were Not Dividedtrue- Smoke O'Connor The Deadly Affairtrue- Wolfe - the Barman Just Like a Womantrue- Commissionaire It's a Grand Lifetrue- Sgt. Maj. O'Reilly Cardboard Cavaliertrue- Brother Barebones The Cuckoo Patroltrue- Superman No1 Canned Laughtertrue- Security Guard Lust for a Vampiretrue- Landlord Ambush in Leopard Streettrue- Harry For Them That Trespasstrue- Det. Insp. Benstead Dunkirktrue- Paddle Steamer Captain (uncredited) Noosetrue- Ropey (uncredited) Death Is a Womantrue- Bonelli Johnny Nobodytrue- Supt. Lynch 'Pimpernel' Smithtrue- Camp Guard with Lantern Up to His Necktrue- CPO Brazier Up in the Worldtrue- Prison Warder Emergency Calltrue- Police Constable They Made Me a Fugitivetrue- Jim Blackouttrue- Mickey Garston Circle of Dangertrue- Bert Oakshott Three Hats for Lisatrue- Police Sergeant Watch Your Sterntrue- Security Guard Law and Disordertrue- Bent - Warder Ext. Prison The Lady with a Lamptrue- Purveyor Captain Boycotttrue- Jim O'Rourke (uncredited) Personal Affairtrue- Police Officer (uncredited) Paul Temple's Triumphtrue- Hammond Detective Waitingtrue- Bonning Not Wanted on Voyagetrue- Chief Steward The Chiltern Hundredstrue- Sergeant The 39 Stepstrue- Detective on Train (uncredited) Profile Images
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