Margarita Korabelnikova
Margarita Korabelnikova
Top Movie Cast
The Boy from Napolitrue- Narrator / Blue fairy / Happy girl / Happy boy / Witch's cats (voice) A Hazel Tree Twigtrue- Mariuka (voice) Nevermind The Grieftrue- Devochka-sirota/mama (voice) Ослик-огородникtrue- (voice) Про паучка, с которым никто не дружилtrue- (voice) Здравствуйте, тётя лиса!true- (voice) Little House on Wheelstrue- (voice) Miraculous Welltrue- voice Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, Both Usual and Unbelieveabletrue Umka Is Looking for a Friendtrue- Umka (voice) / Умка Hunter and His Sontrue- (voice) Power Porridgetrue- Mitya (voice) Umkatrue- Umka (voice) / Умка A Snow Fairy Taletrue- Lyolya / Mitya Timoshkin (uncredited) (voice) Tryam! Which means Hello!true- Hare (voice) An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Taletrue How We Were Searching for Tishkatrue- Misha (voice) Let Me Take Your Dog for a Walktrue The Adventures of Buratinotrue- Piero (voice) Father Frost and the Grey Wolftrue- Hare Kitten from Lizyukova Streettrue- The Crow (voice) Rabbit and Flytrue- The Little Bunny (voice) The Return of the Prodigal Parrot (Part 1)true- Vovka (voice) The Return of the Prodigal Parrot (Part 3)true- Vovka / Вовка Father Frost and the Summertrue- медведица Little Masha and The Beartrue- Mashenka (voice) Bibigontrue- Bibigon / Бибигон Марусина карусельtrue- Boy (voice) Cipollinotrue- count Cherry (voice) Twelve Companionstrue- stewardess The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Trickstrue- The Blue Fairy / The Orphan (voice) Ordinary Dangerous Adventuretrue Маленькие недоразуменияtrue The Fox, the Bear and the Motorcycle with a Side Cartrue- Tha hare / the bee Who Painted the Red Sea?true- (voice) Why Did the Kitten Go Away?true- Girl (voice, uncredited) As Iftrue- Squirrel (voice) A Million in the Sachtrue- Servant girl (voice, uncredited) The Wolf and the Seven Kidstrue- Hare in red pants (voice, uncredited) Быль-небылицаtrue- Pioneer (voice) For the Flick on the Foreheadtrue- (voice)