Chiang Nan
Chiang Nan
Top Movie Cast
Ten Tigers of Kwangtungtrue- Chow Tung San The Moon-Blanch'd Landtrue The Young Dragonstrue- Boss Lung The Dream of the Red Chambertrue- Jiu Da Call Me Dragontrue- Mr. Yem The Valiant Onestrue- Lin's Servant Lin Tong The Serpent and the Loverstrue- Doctor Ho Shaolin Abbottrue- General Li The Tiger and the Widowtrue- Commander Lee's aide The 18 Bronzementrue- Brother Ta-Chi The Boxer from Shantungtrue- Boss Yang The Chasetrue- Doctor Zhou The Young Rebeltrue- Mr. Fong The Black Taverntrue- Skilled Robber (uncredited) The Convict Killertrue- Peng Fu Wrath of the Swordtrue- Cao Bu-Rou Mission Impossibletrue- Cho Laughter and Tearstrue- Hu Jin An Rainstorm in Chinatowntrue The Web of Deathtrue- User of the Spider in Prologue (uncredited) Passing Flickerstrue- Movie director Yang Shaolin Martial Artstrue- King of Eagle Claw What Price Honesty?true- Lord Ge, magistrate The Golden Lotustrue- Wu Dalong Emperor Chien Lung and the Beautytrue- Minister Er Rong-An The Call Girlstrue- Policeman Love Swindlertrue- Dr. Cho Chi Ran (segment "Social Disease") The Emperor and the Ministertrue- Minister Er Rong-An The Swallowtrue- Insp. Lu Lao-Yi Young Lovers on Flying Wheelstrue- Yuan Deng Moods of Lovetrue- Magistrate Liu Xuan-Jiao That's Adultery!true- Zhang Youqian The Delightful Foresttrue- Commander Chang Du Jian The Swordsman of All Swordsmentrue- Black Dragon The Last Messagetrue- Antique Dealer Not Scared to Dietrue- Mr. Jiang The Story of Three Loves: Part 1true The Seven Coffinstrue- Taoist An All-Consuming Lovetrue- Translator The Rebel of Shao-lintrue- Emperor The 36th Chamber of Shaolintrue- Abbot in Charge of Eye Chamber The Scandalous Warlordtrue- Chief of Staff Emperor Chien Lungtrue- Lord Jiang Tiger Killertrue- Coroner He Jiu The Gambling Syndicatetrue- Qiang Dao, Third Brother Blood Reincarnationtrue- Er Niang's Husband The Vengeful Beautytrue- Court Official at Book Burning The Monkey in Hong Kongtrue Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabretrue- Monk Pang Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre IItrue- Monk Pang Iron Fan and Magic Swordtrue The Associationtrue- Police Officer Shaolin Rescuerstrue- Boss Huang Chinatown Kidtrue- Yvonne's Father Shaolin Templetrue- Shaolin Master of Wooden Men Alley Invincible Enforcertrue- Ah Fatt Death Blowtrue- Ying King Min Iron Bodyguardtrue- Commander Wen Ping Swordsman and Enchantresstrue- Keeper of Puppet Villa Big Bad Sistrue- Ah Fong's step-father The Adventures of Emperor Chien Lungtrue- Minister Er Rong-An Travels with a Swordtrue- Wild Wolf The Last Tempesttrue- Prince Duan The Black Panthertrue- Chief Constable Hsu Chen Kuo Superior Dartertrue- Han Wu-kun Lucky Pursetrue- Old teacher A Beggar's Daughtertrue- Tang Sanduo Heroes Twotrue- Ho Chu Chen The Sentimental Swordsmantrue- 5 Poisons Kid with cold needle (uncredited) Shaolin Temple Strikes Backtrue- Abbot Pure Heart The Fate of Lee Khantrue- Liu San-Hu The Warlordtrue- Counselor Yang Shu-Cheng Romance of the Forbidden Citytrue- Duo Duo Tales of a Eunuchtrue- Official The Killertrue- Chiao Tzu-Fei The Oath of Deathtrue- Hsai Chu Ku Mallow Foresttrue- Mao Tao-chi The Happiest Momenttrue- Mr Liu The Chinese Tigertrue- Li Min's father Scandaltrue- Governor's Secretary The Voyage of Emperor Chien Lungtrue- Minister Er Rong-An Bloody Ringtrue- Japanese team leader Tenants of Talkative Streettrue Sorrows of the Forbidden Citytrue Facets of Lovetrue- Bai Hua Lou Boss All in the Familytrue- Barber / Old Pervert Top Movie Crew
Smiling SwordsmantrueDirecting