Omero Capanna
Omero Capanna
Top Movie Cast
Shoot First, Die Latertrue- Robber Zombie Flesh Eaterstrue- Zombie (uncredited) The Beasttrue- Ricardo's Friend (uncredited) Studio legale per una rapinatrue- Il "Greco" Ladyhawketrue- Fornac's Man (uncredited) Untamable Angeliquetrue- Soldier (uncredited) Caliber 9true- Couriers Supervisor Kidnap Syndicatetrue- Car Driver (uncredited) The Godfather Part IIItrue- Guard at Meeting (uncredited) Convoy Buddiestrue- Sailor HItman (uncredited) Sodom and Gomorrahtrue- Rider (uncredited) The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentinetrue- Fencing Nobleman (uncredited) The Bosstrue- Cocchi's Sniped Henchman (uncredited) Return of the Holy Ghosttrue- Il Prete My Name Is Mallory... M Means Deathtrue For a Book of Dollarstrue- Henchman Three Giants of the Roman Empiretrue- soldato nella taverna The Leopardtrue- Citizen (uncredited) El Cidtrue- Fighter (uncredited) The Wax Masktrue- (uncredited) Hanna D: The Girl from Vondel Parktrue- Hitman (uncredited) Violent Rometrue- Restaurant Robber #2 (uncredited) The Black Handtrue- Newspaper Vendor (uncredited) Escape from Helltrue- Prison Camp Guard Violence in a Women's Prisontrue- Guard (uncredited) Young, Violent, Dangeroustrue- Police Agent (uncredited) Madnesstrue- Killed Cardriver The Secret Nights of Lucrezia Borgiatrue- Soldier (uncredited) Starcrashtrue- Spaceship Guard Django the Bastardtrue- Shotgun Warriors of the Year 2072true- Hitman Django, Prepare a Coffintrue- Nino The Barbarianstrue- Rider The Italian Connectiontrue- Tressoldi's Henchman at Carpentry At the Sports Bartrue- scagnozzo di Don Raffaele The Swindletrue- Armando Trani I due carabinieritrue- (uncredited) The Star Makertrue- Hitman (uncredited) Poliziottitrue- 2° Tunisino Agenzia Riccardo Finzi... praticamente detectivetrue- sicario Duel of Championstrue- Soldier Weapons of Deathtrue- Prisoner The Cynic, the Rat & the Fisttrue- Thief Women's Prison Massacretrue- Prisoner Transport Driver 2019: After the Fall of New Yorktrue- Masked Guard (uncredited) School of Thievestrue- uomo che cade dalla finestra The Seven Magnificent Gladiatorstrue- Fighter (uncredited) White Fang to the Rescuetrue- Nelson Henchman (uncredited) Salométrue- Soldier (uncredited) Fear in the Citytrue- Lettieri's Henchman Hands of Steeltrue- Gunman with Helmet (uncredited) The Fiendtrue- Guy with camera The Salamandertrue- Hitman (uncredited) Counselor at Crimetrue- Security man Palermo – Milan One Waytrue- Restaurant Hitman #1 (uncredited) The Four Monkstrue- Fighter Isabella, Duchess of the Devilstrue- Fencing man The Big Rackettrue- Rudy Henchman (uncredited) A Special Cop in Actiontrue- Prisoner (uncredited) The Virgin of Balitrue- Henchman (uncredited) Charlestontrue- scagnozzo di Maloney Bombertrue- Marine (uncredited) Eye of the Cattrue- soldato Super Fantozzitrue- uomo sull'autobus Sistemo l'America e tornotrue- Gangster (uncredited) The Yellow Panthertrue- paziente malato di mente A Policewoman on the Porno Squadtrue- Man at official act La vita in giocotrue- Hitman (uncredited) Deadly Chasetrue- Robber (uncredited) Life Is Tough, Eh Providence?true- James Henchman (uncredited) Man Only Cries for Lovetrue- Gangster in the movie (uncredited) Shotguntrue- (uncredited) Shoot, Gringo... Shoot!true- Soldier (uncredited) Colt in the Hand of the Deviltrue- Hitman in Saloon (uncredited) Where the Bullets Flytrue- Hitman (uncredited) The Mighty Anselmo and His Squiretrue- Knight (uncredited) Gunan, King of the Barbarianstrue- Hitman (uncredited) Fasthandtrue- Northern Soldier (uncredited) Loaded Gunstrue- Silvera Henchman City of Womentrue- (uncredited) Speed Crosstrue- Man falling downstairs (uncredited) Soldier of Fortunetrue- Soldato francese / Popolano nella bisca (uncredited) An Animal Called Mantrue- Johnny Matson Safari Rallytrue- uomo al ristorante Ugly, Dirty and Badtrue- Gang member They Called Him Bulldozertrue- Croupier (uncredited) Crime Busterstrue- Hitman (uncredited) Watch Out, We're Madtrue- Matón en la fiesta (uncredited) Savage Threetrue- Stadium Brawler (uncredited) The Sicilian Connectiontrue Forgotten Pistolerotrue- Hitman The Cattrue- Giuseppe Pulieri, a hitman (uncredited) The Wonders of Aladdintrue- Muzda A Sky Full of Stars for a Rooftrue Deep Redtrue- Hitman (uncredited) Ammazzare il tempotrue- il buttafuori Creeping Deathtrue- Fred - Clinton Foreman City of the Living Deadtrue- Burning Zombie (uncredited) Rita the Field Marshaltrue- Soldier on Motorcycle (uncredited) The Skintrue- Man waving flag (uncredited) Anima miatrue- Red Sportscar Driver (uncredited) The Devil in Lovetrue- Soldier (uncredited) Pontius Pilatetrue- Soldier Sweet Teentrue- Hitman (uncredited) The Masked Thieftrue- Wagon Guard (uncredited) Sign of Zorrotrue- Mexican (uncredited) Liberté, égalité, choucroutetrue- Le tueur à gages The Jewel of the Niletrue- Hitman The Battle of the Modstrue- Hitman (uncredited) Rome, 1585true- Knight (uncredited) The 5-Man Armytrue- Mexican Soldier (uncredited) Helen, Yes... Helen of Troytrue- Hitman Wanted Johnny Texastrue- Pecos, Main Bank Robber (uncredited) Super Stooges vs the Wonder Womentrue- Tribesman Top Movie Crew
The Emperor's New ClothestrueCrew
The Passion of the ChristtrueCrew
The Italian ConnectiontrueCrew
The Seven Magnificent GladiatorstrueCrew
The Godfather Part IIItrueCrew
Viola Kisses EverybodytrueCrew