Victor Beaumont
Victor Beaumont
Top Movie Cast
The First of the Fewtrue- Von Crantz Frozen Flashestrue- Chief of British Secret Service The Kremlin Lettertrue- The Dentist Tomorrow We Livetrue- Rabineau Where Eagles Daretrue- Col. Weissner The Guns of Navaronetrue- German Officer in Gun Cave (uncredited) The Upright Sinnertrue- Karl Pichler's Sohn Destiny of a Spytrue- Karl Kronig The Heroes of Telemarktrue- German Sergeant Racoczy-Marschtrue- Fähnrich Bilitzky A Shot in the Darktrue- Gendarme Sink the Bismarck!true- Officer - 'Bismarck' (uncredited) Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factorytrue- Doctor (uncredited) Mark of the Phoenixtrue- Travel Clerk I Was Monty's Doubletrue- Gottmann - Commando The Next of Kintrue- German Colonel (uncredited) The Quiller Memorandumtrue- Weiss (Uncredited) Jeff Gordon, Secret Agenttrue- Grégori Freud: The Secret Passiontrue- Dr. Guber (uncredited) Die Frau in Weißtrue- Mann in Schwarz