Nicolás Ibieta
Nicolás Ibieta
Top Movie Cast
Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun Womantrue- Israelito Maknum Gonzáleztrue- 'El Kid' / 'El Pulpo' Mandrilltrue- 'Handyman' ('John Colt' segment) Santiago Violentatrue- Matri Guest 6 Miragemantrue- Masks Seller Top Movie Crew
The ABCs of DeathtrueCamera
The ABCs of DeathtrueCamera
Santiago ViolentatrueCamera
Santiago ViolentatrueVisual Effects
Santiago ViolentatrueEditing
Santiago ViolentatrueCamera
Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun WomantrueCamera
Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun WomantrueProduction
Un loco matrimonio en cuarentenatrueCrew
Born and BredtrueVisual Effects
The Life of FishtrueCamera
Fist of the CondortrueCamera
Fist of the CondortrueProduction
Normal con alastrueEditing
Maknum GonzáleztrueProduction
Maknum GonzáleztrueCamera
La Gabriela: Una historia sobre Gabriela MistraltrueEditing
The Strong OnestrueProduction
The Strong OnestrueCamera
Romance PolicialtrueLighting
Casa de remoliendatrueEditing