Viktor Pavlov
Viktor Pavlov
Top Movie Cast
Take Alivetrue- Zhmachenko, foreman Listen, on the other sidetrue- Zaytsev Say a Word for the Poor Hussartrue- Тюремщик Степан Alyonushka and the Soldiertrue- (voice) Demobbedtrue- генерал Талалаев («Батя») When Leaving, Leavetrue- Дмитрий Павлович Сулин, роль бухгалтер Offered for Singlestrue- Илья Беленький («Боцман») Dumas in the Caucasustrue The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changedtrue- Levchenko Trial on the Roadtrue- Полицай When the Trees Were Talltrue At War as at Wartrue- Grisha Shcherbak Major 'Whirlwind'true- Agent Kolya Dauriatrue- Никифор Чепалов The Fatal Eggstrue- Angel in boots The Purple Balltrue- Людоед A Golden Ring, a Bouquet of Scarlet Rosestrue Farewell of a Slav Womantrue- Fedor Leontyevich, neighbor Good Luck, Gentlemen!true Funny People!true- человек на ярмарке, потерявший ногу Hello and Goodbyetrue- Васька-сеньор, ухажер Нади Светлая личностьtrue- Каин Доброгласов Bespredeltrue- Lieutenant colonel , Head of the colony The Master and Margaritatrue- Behemoth Naval Cadets, Charge!true- Kotov Brief Encounters in the Long Wartrue Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventurestrue- Дуб, новелла «Наваждение» Sympathy Seekertrue- Vitya About Businessman Fomatrue Through the Grass Barefoottrue Prince Udacha Andreyevichtrue- участковый милиционер The Tale of Young Spousestrue Счет человеческийtrue- Глебов (врач) The Adjutant of His Excellencytrue- Мирон Осадчий Преступление: Обманtrue- Фёдор A Profitable Positiontrue- чиновник Белогубов Zina-Zinulyatrue- Petrenko Mirgorod and Its Inhabitantstrue At the Dawn of Our Youthful Yearstrue- Oleg Koltsov Murder at Cloister Pondstrue Crane in the Skytrue- Илья The Wizard of the Emerald Citytrue- James Goodwin (Wizard) Дети Ванюшинаtrue- Красавин Степан Фёдорович Over the Dark Watertrue- sosed The Envy of Godstrue- Vilen Chancetrue- Корнелий Удалов Don't Wake a Sleeping Dogtrue- Vadim Alekseevich Fufachev Almanzor's Ringstrue- Abaldon A Chivalrous Romancetrue- Агеласт In August of 1944true- начальник продсклада Pilots Scientific Sectiontrue- Polkovnik An Unfamiliar Weapon, or Crusader 2true Adventure Firmtrue- Harton - director of the "Adventure Firm" Man Without a Passporttrue- Горохов Is It OK to Sleep with Other Man's Wife?true Nightmare in a Madhousetrue While the Dream is Madtrue Time, Forward!true- accordionist A Train to a Distant Augusttrue- Rate's representative Cynicstrue- Dokuchaev Ilya Petrovich The Last Escapetrue- Vetrov DMB-3true- генерал Талалаев - «Батя» DMB-5true- генерал Талалаев - «Батя» DMB-2true- генерал Талалаев - «Батя» DMB-4true- генерал Талалаев - «Батя» Reluctant Superman, or Erotic Mutanttrue Housekeeper and Lacemakertrue The Wedding Is Accusedtrue At the edge of the swordtrue Love For Your Neighbortrue- Павел Карпович Маслобойников You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?true- Семен Павлинов Сын полкаtrue- Кузьма Горбунов - разведчик Password "Hotel Regina"true Fourth Heighttrue- старший тренер по прыжкам в воду The Caravan Of Deathtrue- Lieutenant Colonel Sablin, head of the political department of the border detachment Fun of the Youngtrue- Bobylyov Rock'n'Roll For Princessestrue- King of the Philogenians Dubrovskytrue- Anton Spitsyn Operation "Wonderland"true- стармех The Strogovstrue- Demyan Shtychkov The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finntrue- Policeman Cheka Employeetrue- red-headed wounded guy The Zavyalov Weirdostrue- снабженец (роман «Капроновая ёлочка»)