Aleksei Smirnov
Aleksei Smirnov
Top Movie Cast
White Queen's Movetrue- Тимофей Крыжалов, незадачливый спаситель Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventurestrue- Федя, «Напарник» / недовольный покупатель, «Операция «Ы» Wedding in Malinovkatrue- Бандит "Сметана" Welcome, or No Trespassingtrue- Zavkhoz The Most Beautiful Horsetrue Golden Hornstrue- Kapytonich Through Fire, Water and... Brass Pipestrue- Fireman Only Old Men Are Going to Battletrue- Mechanic Makarych Aybolit-66true- Пират, веселый слуга Бармалея Car, Violin and Blot the Dogtrue- музыкант на тубе, житель дома Фердыщенко, шашлычник-грузин. There Will Be No Leave Todaytrue- Vasili Makarovich They Were Known Only By Their Facestrue- Bychkov Seven Old Men and One Girltrue- Масленников («старик», оперный певец) Cipollinotrue- Chipollone The Serf Actresstrue- singer Finest, the Brave Falcontrue- Bath-attendant Shepherd Yankatrue- General Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурикаtrue Goal! Another Goal!true- Taxi driver A Friend in Court Is Better...true- driver of the truck Little Haretrue- шумовик в театре Change a Dog for a Traintrue Resurrectiontrue- Nikiforov Amazing Berendeevtrue- Artur Bragin The White Grand Pianotrue Circus in the Circustrue- Hypnotist The Life and Ascension of Yuras Bratchiktrue In the Town of S.true- господин с ананасом Give Me a Paw, My Friend!true The Bicycle Tamerstrue- Director velozavoda The New Adventures of Doni and Mikkitrue- Лопух Evenings on a Farm near Dikankatrue- посол (озв. Иван Рыжов) A Hard Day's Mondaytrue- повар в кафе-ресторане Roman and Francescatrue- Herr Fritz Not Under the Jurisdictiontrue- passenger 12 graves of Khoja Nasreddintrue- Sumasshedshyy Red, Blue, Greentrue- продавец игрушек The Classified Citytrue- Truck Driver It Also Happenstrue- Apollon Chokaev Save the Drowning Mantrue- Policeman Эта твёрдая земляtrue- Kocherga Where are you, Knights?true Strictly Businesstrue- Bill Driscoll - Sam's partner (story «The Ransom of Redskins Chief») Profile Images
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