Gunārs Cilinskis
Gunārs Cilinskis
Top Movie Cast
Attack On The Secret Policetrue- Kramerov Kara ceļa mantiniekitrue- Atis Dunavs Checkmate to the Queen of Diamondstrue- Sokolovskis Male Games in the Open Airtrue- režisors Tobago Changes Coursetrue- Drēziņš Fronte tēva pagalmātrue- Antons 24-25 Doesn't Come Backtrue- Purvytis Captain Enrico’s Watchtrue- kapteinis Henriks Vanags Theatretrue- Michael Gosselin, Julia's husband Big Attractiontrue- Zarubin Strong with Spirittrue- Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov (Paul Wilhelm Siebert) Wagtail's Army Fighting Againtrue- Platais/Zagursky Touchtrue- Jānis Fabriciuss In the Shadow of Deathtrue- Birkenbaum Izmeklēšanā noskaidrotstrue- Artūrs Krams Gifts over the Phonetrue- polkovnik Sunflowertrue- Funzionario russo The Heiress of Werewolvestrue- Dievlodziņu saimnieks Hold on to the Cloudstrue- Владимир Севастьянов (бывший царский пилот) Under the Upturned Moontrue- kapteinis Arvīds Stari stiklātrue- Valters Apse The Ambassador of the Soviet Uniontrue- Minister The Times of the Surveyorstrue- Kaspars Stronger Than a Hurricanetrue- Bush (as G. Tselinskis) In a Claws of a Black Cancertrue It's Easy to Fall Into an Overgrown Ditchtrue The Coincidence of Circumstancetrue Top Movie Crew
Strange MoonlighttrueDirecting
Kad bremzes neturtrueWriting
The Heiress of WerewolvestrueDirecting
Kad bremzes neturtrueDirecting
A Birdless NighttrueDirecting
A Birdless NighttrueWriting
When The Brakes Won't HoldtrueDirecting
When The Brakes Won't HoldtrueWriting
Strange MoonlighttrueWriting
The Heiress of WerewolvestrueWriting