Yutaka Abe
Yutaka Abe
Top Movie Cast
A Tale of Two Worldstrue- The Worm The Cheattrue- Tori's valet The Willow Treetrue- Nogo Top Movie Crew
The Law's Bloody WoundstrueDirecting
Bouquet of the South SeastrueWriting
The Woman Who Touched The LegstrueDirecting
Five Women Around HimtrueDirecting
Koibito-tachi no iru machitrueDirecting
The Beauty of the Evening SkytrueDirecting
The Burning SkytrueDirecting
The Battleship YamatotrueDirecting
Kekkon nijuso: zenpentrueDirecting
Bouquet of the South SeastrueDirecting
Uta e! TaiyōtrueDirecting
Dai shusse monogataritrueDirecting
Fantasy of YouthtrueDirecting
Tsuki yori no hahatrueDirecting
The Dawn of FreedomtrueDirecting
The Barefoot GirltrueDirecting
Dawn of a CanvastrueDirecting
I Was a Prisoner in SiberiatrueDirecting
Saigo no totsugekitrueDirecting
The Burning SkytrueProduction
Flesh SmugglingtrueDirecting
Osaka no kazetrueDirecting