Joe Quesada
Joe Quesada
Top Movie Cast
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Backtrue- Pizza Delivery Guy Celebrating Marvel's Stan Leetrue- Self Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comic Magazinetrue- Self Warren Ellis: Captured Ghoststrue- Self Marvel: 75 Years, from Pulp to Pop!true- Self 8 Arms to Hold Youtrue- Self Marvel Then and Now: An Evening with Stan Lee and Joe Quesadatrue- Himself With Great Power: The Stan Lee Storytrue- Self Comic Book Superheroes Unmaskedtrue Marvel's Captain America: 75 Heroic Yearstrue- Self Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universetrue- Self Why I Love New #*$%!&@ Yorktrue- Guy 3 Captain America: Behind the Skulltrue- Himself Outfitting a Herotrue- Himself In Search of Steve Ditkotrue- Self Once Upon a Time: The Super Heroestrue- Himself Sin and Salvation: The Comic Book Origin of Ghost Ridertrue- Himself Marvel's Behind the Masktrue- Self The Spider-Man Storytrue- Self The Overstreet World of Comic Bookstrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Ultimate Wolverine vs. HulktrueProduction
Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes UnitedtrueProduction
Wolverine Versus Sabretooth: ReborntrueProduction
Spider-Man: No Way HometrueCrew
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers Reassembled!trueProduction
Iron Man: Rise of TechnovoretrueProduction
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & PunishertrueProduction
Hulk: Where Monsters DwelltrueProduction
Inhumans: The First ChaptertrueProduction
Marvel Knights: EternalstrueProduction
Marvel Rising: Secret WarriorstrueProduction
Marvel Rising: Heart of IrontrueProduction
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Black Panther - Trouble in WakandatrueProduction
Marvel Rising: Playing with FiretrueProduction
Marvel's Behind the MasktrueProduction
LEGO Marvel Spider-Man: Vexed by VenomtrueProduction
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