Dee Jay Jackson
Dee Jay Jackson
Actor / Performance.
Top Movie Cast
Once Upon A Holidaytrue- Museum Guard Christmas Cookiestrue- Sam Marry Go Roundtrue- Joe Parker Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Beginstrue- Bus Driver The Perfect Scoretrue- ETS Lobby Guard Circle of Deceittrue- Hospital Security Guard My Christmas Dreamtrue- Cab Driver Deadlocked: Escape from Zone 14true- Security Guard Light of My Lifetrue- Counter Man Finding a Familytrue- Henry The Age of Adalinetrue- 1960s Cab Driver Indefensible: The Truth About Edward Brannigantrue Disturbing Behaviortrue- Assistant Principal Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thieftrue- Poker Buddy Operation Christmastrue- Mr. Sweney Past Sinstrue- Sgt. Nick Sampson Doctor Whotrue- Security Guard Alien Trespasstrue- Worker #1 Needful Thingstrue- Eddie Warburton Taken Back: Finding Haleytrue- Detective Tully Murder, She Baked: A Chocolate Chip Cookie Mysterytrue- Pastor Burnett Living with the Deadtrue- Police Desk Sergeant Smoke Screentrue- Security Guard Last Train Hometrue- Carter The Miracle Seasontrue- Jim Life on the Linetrue- Fire Chief Rivera She's the Mantrue- Cab Driver Saint Sinnertrue- Desk Sergeant Chronicle Mysteries: Recoveredtrue- Security Guard Look Who's Talkingtrue- Burly Orderly Camera Shytrue- Security Guard Dear Mr. Gacytrue- Desk Guard Fantastic Fourtrue- Chief Fireman Judicial Indiscretiontrue- Jackson 2gethertrue- Really Nervous Guy Crooked Heartstrue- Fire Captain The Big Yeartrue- Parking Attendant Morning Show Mysteries: Murder on the Menutrue- Joey Simmons Morning Show Mysteries: A Murder in Mindtrue- Joey Love, Guaranteedtrue- Dad Ms. Matchedtrue- Minister #2 A Family Thanksgivingtrue- Al Christmas Capertrue- Cabbie A Little Christmas Charmtrue- Buddy Williamtrue- Officer Jerry Ann Rule Presents: The Stranger Beside Metrue- Prison Guard