Fang Hua
Fang Hua
Top Movie Cast
Guards on the Railway Linetrue- Jichun Wu New Heroes and Heroinestrue- Old farmer Before the Coming of a New Bureau Directortrue- Worker A Guerrillas on the Plaintrue- 松井 Unfinished Comedytrue- Hua Fang Ping yuan you ji duitrue- 松井 In the Heat of the Suntrue- Old General Along the Sungari Rivertrue Zhao Yimantrue- Director of electric power bureau Min zhu qing nian jin xing qutrue- Zheng-Qing Jiang Victory of Mongolian Peopletrue- Mr. Yang Ingeniously Taking Mount Huatrue- Ziqiao Fang, bandit commander To Deal With The Deviltrue- Yan Ke-Fei 严克飞 The Naval Battle of 1894true