Henrique Couto
Henrique Couto
Top Movie Cast
Snowy View from a Cabin Windowtrue Basic Slaughtertrue- News Reporter Slumber Party Murder Maniatrue- Leroy Ravenstock Mom n' Pop: The Indie Video Store Boom of the 80s/90strue Penny Pinchers 2: Scenes from the Undergroundtrue- Interviewee A Bulldog for Christmastrue- Chips The Karaoke Kidtrue- Sundance Alone in the Ghost Housetrue- Ford Jesse James Unchainedtrue- Bud Awkward Thanksgivingtrue- Trey Marty Jenkins and the Vampire Bitchestrue- Tyler McDonald Bigfoot in Ohiotrue- Himself WISHBONER: Making an Awkward Thanksgivingtrue- Himself Housesitterstrue- Chauncey Satan's House of Yogatrue- Franklin Quiet Nights Of Blood And Paintrue- School Janitor At the Drive-Intrue- Self Bacteriumtrue- Helicopter Pilot #2 (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Everyone Must Die!trueCrew
Babysitter MassacretrueDirecting
Babysitter MassacretrueWriting
Babe MansiontrueProduction
Return to Blood Fart LaketrueCrew
Haunted House on Sorority RowtrueDirecting
Scarecrow CountytrueCamera
Scarecrow CountytrueProduction
Marty Jenkins and the Vampire BitchestrueProduction
Marty Jenkins and the Vampire BitchestrueEditing
Marty Jenkins and the Vampire BitchestrueWriting
Marty Jenkins and the Vampire BitchestrueProduction
A Bulldog for ChristmastrueWriting
A Bulldog for ChristmastrueDirecting
Alone in the Ghost HousetrueDirecting
Haunted House on Sorority RowtrueCamera
Calamity Jane's RevengetrueDirecting
Age of Stone and Sky: The Sorcerer BeasttrueProduction
Age of Stone and Sky: The Sorcerer BeasttrueCrew
Awkward ThanksgivingtrueDirecting
Awkward ThanksgivingtrueWriting
Marty Jenkins and the Vampire BitchestrueDirecting
Jesse James UnchainedtrueDirecting
Amityville: No EscapetrueDirecting
Nothing Good Ever HappenstrueDirecting
Nothing Good Ever HappenstrueWriting
Jesse James: LawmantrueCamera
Smart HousetrueProduction
Babysitter MassacretrueCamera
Babysitter MassacretrueEditing
Hostage for ChristmastrueWriting
Hostage for ChristmastrueDirecting
Devil's TrailtrueDirecting
Snowy View from a Cabin WindowtrueDirecting
Snowfall Over a Frozen LaketrueDirecting
Beach Babe BingotrueProduction
A Raunchy Christmas StorytrueProduction
Faces of Schlock Vol. 2trueDirecting
Haunting InsidetrueDirecting
Devilish TalestrueDirecting
The Girl in the CrawlspacetrueProduction
The Girl in the CrawlspacetrueCamera
Slumber Party Murder ManiatrueDirecting
Slumber Party Murder ManiatrueWriting
Off the Beaten PathtrueCrew